You can think about... but don't do it...


The Dark Side of the Force
Oct 15, 2001
I think I thought about it but I don't think I did it.
I ate the last donut this morning. I'm sorry. Not really.
I think I thought about it but I don't think I did it.

I thought about thinking about it...but I thought you had already thought about it so I decided not to think about that thought anymore. At least I think I did.
Who knew that Smokey and Bandit quotes could be so..somewhat useful in a football forum?
nope. the correct film was shown... watch it. Tbird explains.
You're old. Got some Duke's of Hazard quotes for us next? Maybe throw in an Archie Bunker to liven things up.

Archie Bunker was the beginning of the end. Used to be Barney getting accidentally drunk because Otis spiked the water cooler was the most scandalous thing we were exposed to. Think about it. We're so insular we don't know how dirty life is/can be? That's never been true. As a race of beings we know how rough life is on Planet Earth but our entertainment has become rubbing our noses in our imperfections. Kind of like internet message boards.
Archie Bunker was the beginning of the end. Used to be Barney getting accidentally drunk because Otis spiked the water cooler was the most scandalous thing we were exposed to. Think about it. We're so insular we don't know how dirty life is/can be? That's never been true. As a race of beings we know how rough life is on Planet Earth but our entertainment has become rubbing our noses in our imperfections. Kind of like internet message boards.

More hall of fame wisdom from gnats! :bowrofl: