Richt and the future....

If it's based on the outcome of our game, their AA is fickle. This is not the best time to be replacing him.

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It's embarrassing to the state of Georgia that our board of regents is discussing such petty matters publicly. The nature of those quotes is even more worrisome. Pathetic.
It's embarrassing to the state of Georgia that our board of regents is discussing such petty matters publicly. The nature of those quotes is even more worrisome. Pathetic.

They aren't. At least in any official capacity.
Dear Lord hairless baby and beardyman Jesus let them fire St Richt
All these poor mutt fans are so torn. They don't want to keep Richt but don't want to lose to us. Awww.....
It's embarrassing to the state of Georgia that our board of regents is discussing such petty matters publicly. The nature of those quotes is even more worrisome. Pathetic.

From reading the article not sure if they are in fact discussing it along those lines. If they are, I pray to heaven that GT could get such consideration.
It's embarrassing to the state of Georgia that our board of regents is discussing such petty matters publicly. The nature of those quotes is even more worrisome. Pathetic.

The Board of Regents are appointed the Governer to repay political favors. They're amateurs who routinely hurt the higher education system in Georgia.
It's embarrassing to the state of Georgia that our board of regents is discussing such petty matters publicly. The nature of those quotes is even more worrisome. Pathetic.

I thought exactly the same thing when I read this article. If they get this emotional over UGA football, how can we count on them to be the impartial body they were created to be? Many of us have suspected their impartiality for years and I think it is justified.
Also leg humpers are mummering about Dan Mullen as the next head mutt in chief on the football field. Probably something to this smoke considering whom their AD is and where they came from. The Gator mentality is slowy taking over in the hippie town of Athens.....
Happy thanksgiving to you all and get yer minds right! Time to lay a stinger in that bully nosed mutt!!!
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"We’re excited and looking forward to beating Georgia Tech. As I recall, we owe them one. We sure helped them last year.”
:lol: That is some heavy, heavy delusion.
The BOR in GA is absolutely pathetic and heavily weighted with UGAy alumns. Their primary concern is UGAy football, not educating the State"s citizens in the best manner possible in order to drive the economy. That is secondary.
He's not going anywhere this season. They won't chance Eason going someplace else.

Seems to me that if they keep Richt and get Eason but fire the reverend next year, Eason can easily transfer, redshirt and be just fine. Basing their course of action in any way on this or any one player is beyond foolish. Which means, I suppose, that it's what they view as brilliant.
It flat out sucks that we could single-handedly get Richt fired but are in the worst possible position to do so.

I hope we have one more miracle left in us.
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The BOR in GA is absolutely pathetic and heavily weighted with UGAy alumns. Their primary concern is UGAy football, not educating the State"s citizens in the best manner possible in order to drive the economy. That is secondary.

It's more than secondary. The BOR provide net negative value to the State based on their decisions of which programs to approve and deny.