Rip uga mcxii


Jolly Good Fellow
Jan 23, 2010
He was a DGD.... :biggrin::deadhorse:

Another Uga has died.....this dog actually made it to 11 years old...that has to be some record for that dog lineage?
Poisoned balls. Let this be a lesson to you men. Don't lick your knutts. Somebody may be spreading poison.
To the meatgrinder!

Loose-meat sammiches in Athens are half price until the end of the year!
Please let me know where it will be buried so that I can do a jig on it's grave.
Please let me know where it will be buried so that I can do a jig on it's grave.


What they do to these dogs is borderline criminal. The people that inbreed these dogs are in the same category as Mike Vick in my opinion.
What they do to these dogs is borderline criminal. The people that inbreed these dogs are in the same category as Mike Vick in my opinion.

i heard that Richt was seen driving away at high speed in full camo making a U sign with both hands
Flowers for a dead dog? Do they realize what living dogs do to flowers?
What they do to these dogs is borderline criminal. The people that inbreed these dogs are in the same category as Mike Vick in my opinion.

Why? The dog is less inbred than the fans.
What they do to these dogs is borderline criminal.

This. The Seilers should be charged with animal cruelty for the way they inbreed these dogs.

If you want to keep a lineage from Uga I, that's fine. Mate male descendants with unrelated females. But the brother-sister inbreeding is disgusting and should be universally condemned.


Uga I


Uga II

