Wes Durham on 790 at 1:05pm


Varsity Lurker
Aug 12, 2003
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The 790 guys seem pretty impressed. I agree.

I feel very good about this hire. And word is, most of Navy's current staff will stay at Navy. So there is a decent chance PJ keeps Tenuta. Especially since he doesn't need an OC, he should be able to afford Tenuta.
Please, someone post the highlights for those of us who can't listen....thanks.
Right now, there's some guy named Ron dissing PJ on 790.
Duke fan congratulates Tech on winning the battle for PJ's services.
Guys on 790 definitely loving this hire. Described Muschamp as the sizzle hire, but Johnson as the best hire.
Wes denied the "Muschamp was the first choice" story. Talked about the "internet rumors" going around on that subject.
for those that can't listen here's an interesting tidbit

duram just said that the story about muschamp being drad's #1 choice and being turned down by the board couldn't be further from the truth

all hail coach johnson!!

edit: dangit beesball beat me to it!
for those that can't listen here's an interesting tidbit

duram just said that the story about muschamp being drad's #1 choice and being turned down by the board couldn't be further from the truth

all hail coach johnson!!

edit: dangit beesball beat me to it!

Does anyone know if GtFaninBama is alone right now or if he owns a gun? Seriously!
Somebody kick user "wesdurham" off this site, he's ruining all our fun! How dare he try to make our specualtions stand up to the light of day.
Johnson not coaching Navy's bowl game will severely hurt their chances, because they lose their offensive playcaller.