Anyone catch A Blank's news conference?


Jul 8, 2002
He was professional about it, but he is seriously pissed at Patrino.

Don't blame him a bit.
He was as professional as he could be. He couldn't come out and call petrino a scumbag but it's pretty clear that bobby won't be getting a christmas card from Mr. Blank this year.
I thought he sufficiently shamed BP. I doubt BP will comment about the departure; that is until the Atlanta media gets a shot at him.
He was as professional as he could be. He couldn't come out and call petrino a scumbag but it's pretty clear that bobby won't be getting a christmas card from Mr. Blank this year.

Or a Hanukkah card, as it were.
I wonder whether Wal Mart vs Home Depot had anything to do with it.

Blank is very diplomatic, however, you could tell he was angry.

Plus, the NFL Owners are one of the tightest "Fraternities" in sports. You really don't want to offend this group if possible.

Petrino probably doesn't care, but he might find it hard to seek employment in the NFL again.
Petrino probably doesn't care, but he might find it hard to seek employment in the NFL again.

Jerry Jones didn't seem to have a problem with BP kicking Blank in the testicles.
Blank should go after the Cowboys for tampering if that is the case.
Blank should go after the Cowboys for tampering if that is the case.

Jones was involved as an Arkansas booster not a team owner trying to lure Petrino from one NFL team to another. I don't think the tampering rules would apply.
He was professional about it, but he is seriously pissed at Patrino.

Don't blame him a bit.

I find it funny. The Falcons never have been anything and won't ever be. Petrino realized that and got out at the right time, just like I did when I left my last job.
Jones was involved as an Arkansas booster not a team owner trying to lure Petrino from one NFL team to another. I don't think the tampering rules would apply.

I don't think anyone is going to worry about tampering but I don't think that Jerry Jones can say "in this conversation I'm playing the part of a booster and not a rival NFL team owner." There's something of a conflict of interest there. But either way I don't think anything would come of it (but I could easily be wrong).
I find it funny. The Falcons never have been anything and won't ever be. Petrino realized that and got out at the right time, just like I did when I left my last job.

Were you under contract?

No matter how you look at it, what he did was wrong. If he was that unhappy, he shouldn't have told Blank (prior to MNF) that "you have a coach". Blank proceeded to make a fool of himself by repeating that to the MNF crew on national television. He could've lessened the blow by being up front with Blank and McKay and letting them know that he was fed up with the pro gig and finish out the season. As much grief as Saban took over the Bama move, he at least did that much.
I think that the Falcons end up winning here. They have a major rebuild coming and they need someone willing to do so.

Arkansas, on the other hand, I don't get at all. I can imagine no situation where this ends up well for them. Petrino comes to town, wins for two years with Nutt's players, and makes all of those crazy people think they got the better end of the deal by running Houston out of town. Then one morning, Frank Broyles wakes up in a bath tube filled with ice cubes, missing a kidney, with note about seeing a doctor. Bobby catches a flight to Shanghai and traffics opium for a few months, before trying to steal the Bama job, as those are the only fans with more unrealistic expectations then Arkansas right now.

Still, I guess this is a better alternative for Arkansas, rather then looking into the mirror and realizing that they themselves, in their infinite craziness, ran a good, although equally crazy, coach off for some off season shenanigans.
Wow Allen, a bloody kidney to sell AND some Shanghai opium dealing!.... now if that doesn't outright scream "University of Alabama Head Football Coach material", I sure don't know what does.

I commend you on your high level of perceptivity!
I don't think anyone is going to worry about tampering but I don't think that Jerry Jones can say "in this conversation I'm playing the part of a booster and not a rival NFL team owner." There's something of a conflict of interest there. But either way I don't think anything would come of it (but I could easily be wrong).
Actually I don't know why it wouldn't be tampering if the Falcons push it. I mean, one NFL owner convinces another team's coach to leave his job? How is that not tampering? Don't know that anything would come of it, but I don't think he's got much of a defense.
Between the Rankin Smith Family (Clampets for you new to Atlanta) and A. Blank I really wonder if we will ever see an Owner here who understands the Game and wants to win, VS someone who wants a printing press for money. Both the Smith's and A. Blank had the money, they just want their ego stroked by being a team Owner.