Stadium exploration


Sep 11, 2007
Are there any sections of the stadium that are unreachable from certain areas? For instance, once I get in, can I go to every WITHOUT exiting?
No. You can get anywhere in the stadium from anywhere in the stadium without exiting. Sometimes the route is not obvious and sometimes you have to go way out of your way to get there but it can be done.

This is a good question because a lot of people want to go visit other people in person during a game. If you leave the stadium during a game they will not let you back in until very late in the 4th quarter. (Learned this my Junior year. Met a cute redhead who didn't like football. Spent the home games in my room doing what comes naturally with her and listening to Al on the radio. If it was a great game we would show up late in the 4th.)

The 2 strangest routes have to be getting from East to West or West to East by walking around the back of Edge. the other is getting to the North by the single walkway provided.
Spent the home games in my room doing what comes naturally with her
Logarithmic analysis?

You can get anywhere, but it will take some time to get from certain sections to other sections. Getting from the North entrance to the South student section is an adventure.
[Pet Peeve Subject]

We can do this and all will be fixed.


[/Pet Peeve Subject]
as a student, that would suck! the south end zone is by far the best place for students to sit. i will be super pissed if they take that away like they tried to do last year.
as a student, that would suck! the south end zone is by far the best place for students to sit. i will be super pissed if they take that away like they tried to do last year.

Can we agree it needs to be a horseshoe like it was way back in the day? Given that GT graduated the architects that built the Atlanta skyline ... BDS@HGF is embarrising to look at.
I'm actually pretty fond of how our stadium looks.
Seriously? It looks like 3 10 year olds sketched 3 sections of a stadium seperately and then handed them off to the architects.

Don't get me wrong, I love BDS...but I also know deep down that it's ugly.
Cheesy though it may be, I just wrote it off as a distinct look. I really don't see it as ugly. It doesn't fit many (any) stadium molds I've seen before, but I never saw it as ugly.
Viewing BDS from the North Entrance looks pretty darn bad ass these days, imo.
I love BDS. Its the best night setting I have ever seen a football game in. Esprcially from west stands.
Can I ask a question that sort of goes back to the starting subject?

If you are sitting in the North stands/ Jacket's Nest, what is the best way to get up there? I've only gotten tix in the west stands before.

I don't want to be roaming around looking for a way up there, lol.
Can I ask a question that sort of goes back to the starting subject?

If you are sitting in the North stands/ Jacket's Nest, what is the best way to get up there? I've only gotten tix in the west stands before.

I don't want to be roaming around looking for a way up there, lol.

you enter right at Bobby Dodd way, and go right up into the North Stands. Below the stands are concessions. the same road by the concessions also can be used to get to the West and East stands.

it is easy to get into the North stands, dont worry
Thanks, BuzzCzar. I believe it's better to ask and know than walk around looking like a tourist.

I always got tickets through my cousin and they were in the upper deck of the West stands usually.
Thanks to a fellow stingtalker I will see the inside of it for the first time in my life against JAX.