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We need to up our Budweiser game.
Go Georgia Tech!
öööö u-g-a!
Go Georgia Tech!
öööö u-g-a!
When you say Buuuuuuudweiser; you’ve said it all!

Edit - this is a sure way to ensure we stop playing Bud. LSU does not play neck much and it was banned for a while due to STTDB.
Go Georgia Tech!
öööö u-g-a!
Go Georgia Tech!
öööö u-g-a!
When you say Buuuuuuudweiser; you’ve said it all!

Edit - this is a sure way to ensure we stop playing Bud. LSU does not play neck much and it was banned for a while due to STTDB.
I do kinda like the new lyrics though...they're catchy!