Did anyone think to take photos of FSU's girls?


The Dark Side of the Force
Oct 15, 2001
They always bring the hotties. I totally forgot to hold a contest for best photo. We can do it for Miami but I doubt they travel as well as FSU.

WOW! Need to ask, what is the optimal surface area of their....oh nevermind, they wouldn't understand, they don't go to Tech. ;)
Last night in the highlands was probably the best I've had in a long time. They were by far the best looking opposing fans I've seen to date.
Did anyone see the dust up in section 111? A hot fsu girl threw water at a tech fan who had painted his body. The surrounding sections then started a "throw her out" and "you have herpes" chant.

It was all rather humorous.
Did anyone see the dust up in section 111? A hot fsu girl threw water at a tech fan who had painted his body. The surrounding sections then started a "throw her out" and "you have herpes" chant.

It was all rather humorous.

Dumb bitch. Did they get rid of her?
No, I think she hotted her way into getting to stay.

Figures. Someone should have had the balls to get her removed. If that had been a guy, fists would have been flying and the GBI would have had a busy afternoon.
I thoroughly enjoyed the game for many reasons. One of which was the fact that I was surrounded by hot FSU chicks. I don't take pictures at games though cause I'm too zoned in.
those girls are known as the fsu cowgirls (google).

They are pretty much models now.
I sit in section 102...my buddy Jon and I paint up for the games. One of the Free shoes cheerleaders was making fun of my alledged beer belly...I told her I am almost 40...and that when she was forty she would have 6 kids living in a trailor. She did no have much to say after that!
The 2nd from the left is trying to figure out how many points they lost by.

Math is hard.
Anyone remember Jenn Sterger (one on the left in that picture) getting an online column for Sports Illustrated? Her story goes something like this: Get boob job => Dress slutty at FSU-Miami game => Catch dirty old man Brent Mustburger's attention on TV => get famous => cash in. Anyway the column was a horrid mix of her shopping experiences, her thoughts on football, and her self absorbtion. Although I'll admit she surpassed my expectations by writing in complete sentences (good copy editor?).

The best thing that ever came of Jenn Sterger (besides the playboy spread) and her ilk was the public online war some Miami blogger started with her and her dad. It may be online still. Its worth reading if you're bored and looking for some snarky humor.