Anyone have a way to get in touch with Greg Gathers?

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Mar 28, 2011
We came across a box of his old game worn jerseys and GT sweatshirts and stuff. Tried reaching him on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn but to no avail. Anyone know anyone who knows him? Would like to return this box to him.
Some guys just don’t do social. If he’s somewhere with a landline that might be your best shot
We came across a box of his old game worn jerseys and GT sweatshirts and stuff. Tried reaching him on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn but to no avail. Anyone know anyone who knows him? Would like to return this box to him.
Curious where you came across said items.
Well I contacted everyone in that article and found his real Facebook page. Good work @MACHETE
I have them. It's just his sweats that he wore when he was at Tech and not any jerseys. A good friend of mine has a brother-in-law who either still is or used to be an electrician for Tech. At some point, the GTAA decided to get rid of all this stuff by just dumping it into a dumpster and he knew Greg so he grabbed the #55 stuff he saw. He gave them to my friend who has kept them for years. Despite being a UGA fan, he tried to connect with Greg on LinkedIn to see if GG wanted them back but he never heard back from him.

Yesterday, I stopped by his house to drop off some stuff on the way to the farm and he gave them to me. I know I can find someone who could wear them but I'd prefer to find out if Greg Gathers wants them himself first. If we can link up with him, I'll ship them to him; if not, I'll give them to another friend who would like to have them and wear them.
I have them. It's just his sweats that he wore when he was at Tech and not any jerseys. A good friend of mine has a brother-in-law who either still is or used to be an electrician for Tech. At some point, the GTAA decided to get rid of all this stuff by just dumping it into a dumpster and he knew Greg so he grabbed the #55 stuff he saw. He gave them to my friend who has kept them for years. Despite being a UGA fan, he tried to connect with Greg on LinkedIn to see if GG wanted them back but he never heard back from him.

Yesterday, I stopped by his house to drop off some stuff on the way to the farm and he gave them to me. I know I can find someone who could wear them but I'd prefer to find out if Greg Gathers wants them himself first. If we can link up with him, I'll ship them to him; if not, I'll give them to another friend who would like to have them and wear them.
So you have some old sweats out of a dumpster that happen to have #55 on them and are wondering why Gathers isn't returning any phone calls?
So you have some old sweats out of a dumpster that happen to have #55 on them and are wondering why Gathers isn't returning any phone calls?
Who said he wasn’t returning calls? I’m just trying to see if the guy wants the sweats he wore at GT. Not trying to sell them to him just make sure he gets them if he wants them, Mr. Massengill.
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