Georgia Tech dropping season-ticket prices


Jun 12, 2021
In an attempt to spur ticket sales and revive attendance, Georgia Tech has dropped the per-game cost of season tickets on 94% of the seats in 55,000-seat Bobby Dodd Stadium and held the line for the remaining 6%.
That's all i can read due to the paywall.maybe someone can add to this?
Here’s the gist: ticket prices are down, as are Tech Fund costs, for some tickets and locations.

“Renewals for season-ticket packages, which start at $225, begin Thursday and go on sale to the general public Monday. The least expensive season ticket last season was $299.

Along the same line, the overall cost for season tickets, including tickets and accompanying contributions to the TECH Fund for preferred seating, has dropped for 70% of seats.“

I'd have four season tickets for my family, but I live too far away.

Instead, I have to take my kids to SDSU games ... which is good for BBall, at least. Football atmosphere is lacking, though.
This was a good strategy to deploy. Double down on excitement for new coach by lowering prices. Have AJC put it out in their website for visibility. It’s almost like we may finally have someone competent in charge.
It's almost like a mea culpa from the GTAA - sorry we put you long suffering fans through three plus years of nothing short of abject misery. We can't give you those years back but we can cut you a deal on hopefully better days ahead.
I'd have four season tickets for my family, but I live too far away.

Instead, I have to take my kids to SDSU games ... which is good for BBall, at least. Football atmosphere is lacking, though.
Give to a NIL instead. Also, I’m planning to pay the “reduction” in my costs to a NIL.
Here’s the gist: ticket prices are down, as are Tech Fund costs, for some tickets and locations.

“Renewals for season-ticket packages, which start at $225, begin Thursday and go on sale to the general public Monday. The least expensive season ticket last season was $299.

Along the same line, the overall cost for season tickets, including tickets and accompanying contributions to the TECH Fund for preferred seating, has dropped for 70% of seats.“

Been telling them to do this for a long time now. Find the price(s) that makes demand equal capacity.
In an attempt to spur ticket sales and revive attendance, Georgia Tech has dropped the per-game cost of season tickets on 94% of the seats in 55,000-seat Bobby Dodd Stadium and held the line for the remaining 6%.
That's all i can read due to the paywall.maybe someone can add to this?
I mean. In normal sane world when supply exceeds demand prices drop. It took hiring a logical AD to see that. Good for him. Will make that back in concessions if ticket sales increase by only 10percent
Been telling them to do this for a long time now. Find the price(s) that makes demand equal capacity.
I think they were giving them away during Gef’s reign and demand still didn’t equal capacity.
I think they were giving them away during Gef’s reign and demand still didn’t equal capacity.
Someone may buy a season ticket at a 20% reduced price in the spring that wouldn't come to a game if you offered him a free ticket the week of the game because he has other plans.
Tickets have essentially been free for a decade, other than UGA games. Folks paying the AA for tickets do so just because they have had the same tickets for a long time, to support the program, or really want to sit in the same seat every week.