Tech & Taylor Swift

You just left too soon. That was the best post-game atmosphere on campus I think I've ever been in. No reason to go home.
Yea, we didn't leave for HOURS after the game. I should still be there, in fact.
Real men have no issue saying they like Taylor Swift, or that they don't like her but don't hang their definition of manhood on whether someone likes a historically popular music artist.

Tl;dr haters gonna hate hate hate
Dude, I didn’t say I hated her music, I haven‘t even heard one of her songs in like 15-20 years. I have just seen multiple pictures from the concert, probably 200 fans, and I have yet to see a single man in any of the pictures
No way you'll do that, we're a thousand miles apart.

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Heard or recognize? I have no doubt heard some but you could blindly play every song in her catalog and I wouldn't know it's her.
Heard or recognize? I have no doubt heard some but you could blindly play every song in her catalog and I wouldn't know it's her.

You really wouldn't recognize "haters gonna hate hate hate"? That's actually pretty impressive. I thought it was everywhere.
You really wouldn't recognize "haters gonna hate hate hate"? That's actually pretty impressive. I thought it was everywhere.

Not sure, I don't recognize it by name but if I heard the song then who knows maybe I have heard it out and about but still would have no idea it was Taylor Swift. If it's normal straight up uninteresting (to me) pop style music, it would've quickly been discarded by the filter as no matter what the actual song is I've heard it a hundred times. The days of interesting chord progressions in pop music are long gone, just reuse the same few over an over. Esposito still gives me PTSD as an example.
There’s no way that’s true
If I have heard any of her music since about 2012/2013, I don't know about it. They played some of her music at a father/daughter dance I went to back then, and it's the only time that I know for sure that I ever heard her music (I probably heard some on TV in a commercial or bumper music without realizing it). And it was total 100 percent pure undulterated shit. But I could see why 12 year old girls liked her, and that is pretty much what I think of her fans to this day. My radio is fixed on 40s Junction on Sirius, where I skew their demo down about 10 years all by myself. So I never have to hear that shit.
If I have heard any of her music since about 2012/2013, I don't know about it. They played some of her music at a father/daughter dance I went to back then, and it's the only time that I know for sure that I ever heard her music (I probably heard some on TV in a commercial or bumper music without realizing it). And it was total 100 percent pure undulterated öööö. But I could see why 12 year old girls liked her, and that is pretty much what I think of her fans to this day. My radio is fixed on 40s Junction on Sirius, where I skew their demo down about 10 years all by myself. So I never have to hear that öööö.
Again, I call bullshit. There’s literally no way you haven’t heard Shake It Off.

It’s ok to admit it. It doesn’t make you gay or whatever you’re afraid of.
Again, I call bullshit. There’s literally no way you haven’t heard Shake It Off.

It’s ok to admit it. It doesn’t make you gay or whatever you’re afraid of.
It’s funny I thought I had never heard the song you speak of. I went on YouTube and you are right I have heard bits of this annoying pop ditty on some commercial or somewhere. On a completely different note a true singer songwriter Gordon Lightfoot died today at 84. Rest In Peace.