White out or not?

White out is on. You can buy a CPJ shirt at varsity at 5ish on Thursday from wreck rod I am sure he will have extra.
Just to settle it for Falcon...


As a part of this email I received yesterday from GTAA.


Not sure if that will be viewable to others...
I talked to Blazer today, he said he's coming to the game and he's thinking about wearing gold
White out the stadium and make it rain GT Touch downs - let's see the final decision - once and for all <never again to be argued (definitively settled)> - that we are the Tech in the ACC.
White out. Reminds me of the "coach" who sits a couple rows behind me at Grant Field stating last year at a game when the Jackets came out wearing white pants that it was "the wrong color white." And he was VERY serious about it.