UGA's dirty lil secret


To my left, someone wearing Georgia Tech colors looked down at what we were walking through and sneered, “Ah, the stench of Sanford Stadium!”
I don't know that I'd throw too many stones. While I love BDS, it is nearly as outdated as much of as Sanford is (particularly the west side where I sit - those are the same troughs I peed in as a kid 30 years ago). We do have a lot better signage than we used to though, and the food is significantly a step up.
Bobby Dodd is still clean and well maintained, though.
If they'd stop training people to take your order in drive through and focused on training plumbers, maybe they could fix it. Now we know why they started an engineering school, they didn't understand that öööö goes downhill.
UGA’s stadium is one of the most beautiful football facilities in the country, college or otherwise

No, it isn't.
The article is Gold, I'm telling you....comedy Gold....

Unlike a lot of other schools, UGA for some reason doesn’t make that big a deal of its titles
In the comments section :rotfl::lol::rotfl:

Heck, UGA now has an engineering program. Maybe that is something some of the professors and their students can research: how to upgrade the stadium concourses without having to fundamentally change the structure.

ööööing place is gonna cave in when they get through engineering it up.
While the restrooms added in the Reed Plaza area of Sanford Stadium a few years ago are fine — utilitarian and certainly not deluxe, but at least clean and functional — the ones in the older part of the stadium are flat-out disgusting.

And this is from one of their own. :bowrofl:
I like Bill King - he's old school with some manners - not just some idiot UGA fan
What do you expect? Over the years they have spent their money expanding, not upgrading.
When I read the part about putting up a banner listing championships, my first thought was "what championships?"