What Tech Stars Were Your Favorites When You Were Growing Up?

Lenny Snow (1966),
The Rock, Gebhart, Jeff Ford, Rick Lewis, Bubba Hoats, Bill Flowers, Rob Healy (1970 Team)

Basketball - Rich Yunkus
Didn't Bubba Hoats have about 3 picks in a 6-0 win over UGA in 1969?
Lenny Snow (natch), Johnny Sias and Danny Myers (always like #21 at different positions), Lucius Sanford, Rock Perdoni, and all kickers that beat uga!
Y'all are old.
Joe Anoai or Jemea Thomas
Mario West since he went to high school with my brother.
Kel Johnson since he's a friend I played alongside and against in high school.
In Bball my favorite player was Ishmael Muhammad. Lock down defender who would blow the roof off the Thriller Dome with his dunks. When was the last time you saw a player who routinely did ridiculous dunks IN THE GAME?!? 360s, jumping OVER people, he was insane.

In football, Kelly Rhino. Haha I loved that he NEVER fair caught the ball. JfN too. I think he achieved legendary status for a lot of fans at that '09 FSU game.
My last game as a GT student in 1989 had Mike Mooney bludgeoning Goldberg all over Grant Field and little Jerry Mays running wild. All the guys mentioned above are also favorites of mine, but the sheer satisfaction of that one fall Saturday makes Big Mike and Little Jerry two of my all-time favorites. I was so sick of hearing about Goldberg, and since I played OT in high school a couple of years earlier, I focused on the Mooney/Goldberg matchup all day. Mooney threw that gas-bag all over the field like a rag doll -- it was glorious!! And to see 5' nothing JM have the greatest game of his career in his last game was the icing on the cake. Will NEVER forget that day..

Amazing how beating the dwags makes everything right in the world :)
I grew up going to gagger games. It was a tough beginning I had to overcome. Makes for an interesting Thanksgiving around COFH, though. Of course everyone wants better for their kids. They are are growing up at BDS.

My favorites while in high school were Leon Hardeman, Billy Teas, Pepper Rodgers, Larry and George Morris.