Guess next commitment

Probably be another 3* that will take Stingtalkers to a new level of orgasmic activity.
This year has a lot of things in the mix just like 2007.

Bitch if you want, but lots of things are being developed in the background.

Remarkable things are on the horizon.

I love CPJ and what he did for the program. However, things change.
If I am wrong, I will gladly self-ban. I'll go to jail. I love it there.
But if I'm right, I will have the keys to millions of registered voters.
Good decode, Anon
We need to start a separate thread for BuckAnon posts
I still say it's Paris Johnson
Disinformation is necessary
C lowns I n A thens are watching this board
It's good that you have an easy sense of humor about yourself!