2016 BTC Market Transaction Thread - Week 7


Nov 29, 2007
Welcome to Week 7 of the BTC (Butthurt Trading Contest) Market. If you don't know what this is, check out the rules thread here:


Opponent: Ga Sou
Point Spread: GT -10

The Opening Price for Butthurt this week is $189. This comes from the Week 6 closing price of $145, adjusted upward by 50% due to the loss and a 20% downward Butthurt adjustment made due to GT beating the point spread. The Butthurt bank remains at 0%.

No interest in BTC trading in the past week. Will this week be any different? Currently, those who were all butthurt and no cash going into the season are leading in the contest.

Post your trade in the thread, with the other party to confirm the trade by replying. All trades will be tracked in the log below.

Seems clear that it doesn't make sense to buy shares of stock this week, since we are presumably going to win the game. However, if we win but don't cover, the price won't drop much.
I propose a rule change to the commissioner @coit if there isnt a total trade volume of 100 shares before the market closes, I don't think the market should move at all on Monday after the game. This way people won't just be riding it until a win for the price to come down.
I propose a rule change to where I win.

At this point, I don't foresee a scenario where anyone can win other than the folks that voted pessimistically in the preseason probability polls, since the price is likely to end above $100 a share.

If we string together a couple of wins then lose out, someone could buy a bunch of shares at the low point and possibly overtake those that started with a lot of shares.
At this point, I don't foresee a scenario where anyone can win other than the folks that voted pessimistically in the preseason probability polls, since the price is likely to end above $100 a share.

If we string together a couple of wins then lose out, someone could buy a bunch of shares at the low point and possibly overtake those that started with a lot of shares.

Or I torpedo their winnings by bringing down the market price after every loss. If I'm not gonna win I might as well not let them win.
I'm also looking to sell all of my shares at $200 each. Where are all the negative nancies? Put your money where your mouth is and come get some of this butthurt.
I predict a very active week next week. Duke brings out the whiners in droves.