2016 "Chunk" plays video

So how did we end up statistically an big plays. I can't find anything tracking them vs the rest of cfb
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Something I found interesting- since 2010, Tech has on average gained the fewest yards on 3rd down with 7-9 yards to go every year except 2014, when we averaged 9.4 yards and got 1st downs on 3 of 5 attempts. This year we averaged 0.73 yards and managed only 2 first downs on 11 attempts. Last year we averaged -0.58 yards and managed to get a 1st down on 1 of 12 attempts.
Great look. Thanks.

A handful of MM plays in there, he has rare combo of speed, power and twinkle toes in close quarters. He will be missed..

Note well: I told myself I was just going to take a quick look, then found I'd watched the whole damn thing. Oops. If you don't have 13 minutes to spare now, save it until you do...
Something I found interesting- since 2010, Tech has on average gained the fewest yards on 3rd down with 7-9 yards to go every year except 2014, when we averaged 9.4 yards and got 1st downs on 3 of 5 attempts. This year we averaged 0.73 yards and managed only 2 first downs on 11 attempts. Last year we averaged -0.58 yards and managed to get a 1st down on 1 of 12 attempts.

I think my favorite parts of these radio calls are the former Tech players reactions as the color guys. You can just picture Roddy falling out of his chair during his call of White's OT INT in Athens '14 and Bedford jumping out of his on Quay's TD this year.

Also, nice work on the vid - definitely a feel good compilation. Makes me regret the Miami and UNC games that much more with as well as we were moving the ball though.
I think I saw either during VT or UGA that we were tied for first on plays over 50 yards.

Edit: here's the current (tied for 5th on 50+ yards, tied for 3rd on 80+)


But look at the number of 10+ yard plays (which would track much closer to total number of plays. We are 105. We hit those big plays a lot more often than other teams do on a per play basis.

And we are killing it when the FCS games are taken out.
But look at the number of 10+ yard plays (which would track much closer to total number of plays. We are 105. We hit those big plays a lot more often than other teams do on a per play basis.

And we are killing it when the FCS games are taken out.

I hadn't considered how the number of plays we've run factors into those numbers. Out of curiosity I found that we are 126 of 128 in number of plays run (127 and 128 having only played 11 games).


I always enjoy poking around cfbstats (especially in the good years)
That video should get me through the off-season blues. I'll probably watch it a hundred times. Thanks.
Great video, thanks.

Kudos to Andy D on his improvement on the calls through the season.

Going to miss Marcus Marshall