2016 Circle of Suck (h/t r/cfb)

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Nov 29, 2007

The reddit text is below:

(The asterisk is that Fresno State's only win was against an FCS team, so there's a chain of FCS teams necessary to keep the chain going. I broke the chain into several groups corresponding very roughly with conference affiliation in order to aid readability. To preemptively answer the inevitable question... this took me hours. More than I'd like to admit.)

Clemson> Alabama> Washington> Colorado> WSU> Stanford> UCLA> Oregon State> Oregon> ASU> Cal> Utah> USC> Penn State> Ohio State> Michigan> Wisconsin> WMU>

Toledo> Arkansas State> Troy> App State> Idaho> New Mexico State> ULL> Texas State> Ohio> Miami (OH)> Bowling Green> Akron> Kent State> Central Michigan> Northern Illinois> Eastern Michigan> Ball State> Georgia State> Georgia Southern> ULM> South Alabama>

San Diego State> UNLV> Wyoming> Boise State> BYU> Arizona> Hawaii> Air Force> Colorado State> Utah State> Fresno State

Sacramento State>Montana State>Montana>Northern Iowa>

Iowa State> Texas Tech> Kansas> Texas> Baylor> Oklahoma State> WVU> Kansas State>

FAU> Rice> UTEP> UTSA> North Texas> Marshall> Middle Tennessee> Louisiana Tech> WKU> Old Dominion> UMass> FIU> Charlotte> USM>

Kentucky> Louisville> Florida State> Ole Miss> Georgia> Auburn> Arkansas> Florida> LSU> Mississippi State> Texas A&M> South Carolina> Missouri> Vanderbilt> Tennessee>

Nebraska> Northwestern> Iowa> Minnesota> Rutgers> New Mexico> San Jose State> Nevada> Buffalo> Army> Temple> USF> Navy> Tulsa> Memphis> Houston> Oklahoma> TCU> SMU> ECU>

NC State> Syracuse> Boston College> Wake Forest> Indiana> Maryland> UCF> Tulane> UConn> Cincinnati> Purdue> Illinois> Michigan State> Notre Dame> Miami (FL)> Virginia> Duke> UNC> Georgia Tech> Virginia Tech> Pitt> Clemson
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