222-0 - The Centennial


Nov 29, 2007
Happy Anniversary!



Deford bit on NPR:

Cool stuff here.





Funny how NPR always skews it to the left. Poor Cumberland U.. No mention of the baseball game which brought the wrath of Coach Heisman. pinko commie rag.
Funny how NPR always skews it to the left. Poor Cumberland U.. No mention of the baseball game which brought the wrath of Coach Heisman. pinko commie rag.

Yeah but I think 222-0 is still probably the biggest butthurt overreaction in the history of sports.
Yeah but I think 222-0 is still probably the biggest butthurt overreaction in the history of sports.
True. Lol. I think it was also a statement to the AP about running up scores. Hey, he liked to win.
22-0 in baseball is a Shellacking, definitely didn't take the old foot off the gas.
I suspect the the negativity associated with "running up the score" is a modern invention. It's just another example of modern writers being incapable of viewing events in the past without judging them by the current standards of sensitivity. Even now, it's a sport-specific concept. Nobody expects a bowling team to intentionally roll some gutter balls when they have a big lead. NASCAR drivers are not expected to slow down for the last few laps to avoid embarrassing the 2nd place driver.
Yeah but I think 222-0 is still probably the biggest butthurt overreaction in the history of sports.

Heisman didn't do what he did because he was hurt, he did what he did because he could, and there was not a damn thing anyone could do to stop him. One of the key differentiators between butthurt and other forms of rage is that butthurt is characteristically ineffective. Heisman's rage produced a mushroom stamp on Cumberland and the whole sport that has reigned above all others for a century, and may never be exceeded for all time. It is a defining moment in our history and the defining moment in theirs. They are always going to be the team at the receiving end of the worst ass beating of all time.

And he even agreed to shorten the game by five minutes, just to show everyone that he absolutely could show mercy, but even that you weren't going to enjoy. That's absolute power.
Even Chuck and Matt talked about it on their radio show today. They mentioned the Cumberland player that was hiding sitting with our players during part of the game.