

► Ģŏ ʝąҁʞεɫʂ ◄
Oct 30, 2002
Suck it you sorry a$$ nadlickers! What happened to that #1 team in the nation??? Say hello to beautiful downtown Orlando for the Citrus Bowl!
49-10 FINAL.

Is this considered the perfect day? Florida blows the nuts off the Dawgies, we beat the Criminoles for the first time since 1975, and even Miami did their part by pulling the upset over Virginia, giving us an outside shot at still getting to Tampa.
Bretheren, jet us pause for a moment of grateful thanksgiving ... seldom have we seen such a day:

nadlickers AND criminoles taken out!

Let the joyful news be spread, the wicked witch AT LAST is dead.
Say hello to beautiful downtown Orlando for the Citrus Bowl!

Still the site of the last D-1 national championship won by a team from the state of Georgia.

...wait a minute, what's that?

Oh, I think Florida just scored again! :hugelaugh:

It's gotta be a great day to be TechGator !!
This is going to be a relaxing night. Wife is up at our cabin with her friends, daughter is spending the night at a friends, GT has won, UGA has gone down in flames.

Sitting down in my basement den watching Texas/Texas Tech, chips and dip, vodka and cranberry juice, beer, leftover halloween candy, donuts, leftover pizza, tums, the GT/FSU score scrolling all night, the UF/UGA score scrolling all night (I'll expect the 49 to change to 56 at some point).

This is the life after a great day @BDS!
This is going to be a relaxing night. Wife is up at our cabin with her friends, daughter is spending the night at a friends, GT has won, UGA has gone down in flames.

Sitting down in my basement den watching Texas/Texas Tech, chips and dip, vodka and cranberry juice, beer, leftover halloween candy, donuts, leftover pizza, tums, the GT/FSU score scrolling all night, the UF/UGA score scrolling all night (I'll expect the 49 to change to 56 at some point).

This is the life after a great day @BDS!
I just caught myself drooling.
This is going to be a relaxing night. Wife is up at our cabin with her friends, daughter is spending the night at a friends, GT has won, UGA has gone down in flames.

Sitting down in my basement den watching Texas/Texas Tech, chips and dip, vodka and cranberry juice, beer, leftover halloween candy, donuts, leftover pizza, tums, the GT/FSU score scrolling all night, the UF/UGA score scrolling all night (I'll expect the 49 to change to 56 at some point).

This is the life after a great day @BDS!
HELL YESS!!!!! :drink1::drink1::drinking::drinking:
This is going to be a relaxing night. Wife is up at our cabin with her friends, daughter is spending the night at a friends, GT has won, UGA has gone down in flames.

Sitting down in my basement den watching Texas/Texas Tech, chips and dip, vodka and cranberry juice, beer, leftover halloween candy, donuts, leftover pizza, tums, the GT/FSU score scrolling all night, the UF/UGA score scrolling all night (I'll expect the 49 to change to 56 at some point).

This is the life after a great day @BDS!

Agreed with everything, except maybe the drinking part. I did that all day and at night after the game, I'm pretty dead tired right now. Probably just going to do all of the above, and then have sweet dreams before a Falcons stomping of Oakland tomorrow.
Agreed with everything, except maybe the drinking part. I did that all day and at night after the game, I'm pretty dead tired right now. Probably just going to do all of the above, and then have sweet dreams before a Falcons stomping of Oakland tomorrow.

I had a few beers before I left this morning and regretted it. I was pretty dehydrated by kickoff and the heat plus constantly screaming amounted to a hell of a headache. I feel much better now, but I believe I'm returning to my policy of gameday sobriety from here on out.