4th and 1


Dr. Dunkingstein
Feb 24, 2004
I liked the call late on 4th and 1.

Had our D shown any pulse during the game we would have punted. But Pitt was just as likely to make a 75 yard drive as a 35 yard drive.

And screw Roof's call to rush 2 on 3rd and long. Any qb at this level can hit a receiver given no pressure.

Also, cpj needs to drop those stupid trick plays. Our wr and bbacks can't throw. And only our center can get downfield quick enough to matter.
I was good with going for it, and don't have an issue with the dive just not at the biggest guy on D who only has to hold his ground. If you can't get a yard you don't deserve to win. Pitt made the play. Team didn't quit.

My bigger issue is the D NEVER plays the slot and/or TE at the line. Free release every time.
Was Divine in on that play?

I would have preferred the QB follow with Jordan. But am fine with the call.
I honestly just think we need a bigger QB. Our offensive style just changed when we were forced to stop running the midline. I love JT and he is awesome when we block, but he just can't push the pile.
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I wonder why we didn't line up in the usual formation. It would have given us an outside option.
I honestly just think we need a bigger QB. Our offensive style just changed when we were forced to stop running the midline. I love GT and he is awesome when we block, but he just can't push the pile.
bro did you watch the orange bowl?
bro did you watch the orange bowl?
I said "when we block". When there are big holes he is great at running through them and making people miss. When we have to grind out the power game, we're limited because our typically most successful play is ineffective.
Agree with others. Ok with the decision to go for it but bad call to run it at their monster sized DT.

Would have been OK with rocket toss or B-Back toss to Mills that has been successful in other short yardage situations.
I honestly just think we need a bigger QB. Our offensive style just changed when we were forced to stop running the midline. I love GT and he is awesome when we block, but he just can't push the pile.
I think you might be right. Josh used to take the short yardage plays himself.