A cleansing of fire. Or maybe s***


J. Batt Fan
Jul 1, 2015
This season will leave us with no fair weather fans and only players and commits who want to buy in to tech not just CPJ. Like the pre season of 2014.
I will be a Tech until they bury me in the ground. My eulogy will be read to Ramblin Wreck from Georgia Tech.
This came up yesterday after the game. I'm not going to blame anyone for missing games or whatever, I've missed more than my fair share in the last two years. But I do take pride in the fact that I'll always be at every Tech game I'm capable of attending and our record or quality of play will never have any impact on whether or not I'm a fan, or whether I watch/attend games. I love Tech football, that doesn't change regardless of how painful one game or season might be.
This came up yesterday after the game. I'm not going to blame anyone for missing games or whatever, I've missed more than my fair share in the last two years. But I do take pride in the fact that I'll always be at every Tech game I'm capable of attending and our record or quality of play will never have any impact on whether or not I'm a fan, or whether I watch/attend games. I love Tech football, that doesn't change regardless of how painful one game or season might be.

It was good seeing you there. Better days are ahead of us.
Some of us don't have a choice. Three generations of Tech in my family...
By my reckoning, we sure do seem to have a lot more fans on this board after we lose.
Definitely a fan character building season.

I'll be at every home game this year, thought the crowd was OK on Saturday. A little disappointed by the student section considering the weather was awesome.
This season will leave us with no fair weather fans and only players and commits who want to buy in to tech not just CPJ. Like the pre season of 2014.

Some of us actually remember when it was far worse. The fortitude of younger Tech fans is like the fat kid who can't say no to another Twinkie.
I'll always be there... but as a sidewalk fan I am not pushing my children in any direction. They are free to choose, much to the chagrin of my alum sister.