ABC Game Intro


Damn Good Rat
Aug 30, 2005
Lotta byotchin-n-moaning on the Hive about this intro. Every time I have tried the link provided, I get to a page that does nothing. I know that I am supposed to be P.O.'ed. But I would like to know exactly what it is that I'm supposed to be P.O.'ed about.

Can anyone here provide a link to that intro that will work so that I can view it and become righteously (and rightfully) indignant?:mad:
My bad, here is the link to the ND promo. Works for me:

Here is the link to the "Audience Relations Department of ABC".

I fired off a complaint telling them how biased their promo film of ND was. Not to come to GT if they couldn't be fair and balanced. That they should make ND pay for that PR bulls***.

How most people hate ND. If the ratings are high it's because people want to see GT wipe ND's rear, at home.
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Re:Yeah, doesn't matter what we think honestly.

ND is the media "darling" of this season. We're about to put a lick into that "darling." (I know I didn't say that!)

Have to give credit where credit is due. ND has a large fan base. I don't hold them up though to what Georgia Tech is. Nothing against them on the field or off.

The "on the field" will be settled on SAT for this season!!


Don't know if this will help. It's same as on the Hive:
Re: Yeah, doesn't matter what we think honestly.

Thanks Terrific,
Yeah it does seem that it is one big Notre Dame Commercial. I am now properly P.O.'ed.
Since we are all so hyped for this coming Saturday, everyone of us should fire off a complaint to the link above and complain. We ARE the hosts. And like I told them, I hope we are better at hospitality than ABC Sports is to Georgia Tech.:fingersx:
That is a disgrace. Unfortunately I cannot hate Brent Musberger and Notre Dame any more than I already did. Not possible.
This doesn't surprise me one bit. This is a perfect of example of the little respect Tech gets. But its for the best, because it will feel that much better when we beat the sh*t out those pretenders known as the Fighting Irish.:laugher: :laugher:

Wreck the Irish!
GT 31 ND 21
That is a sick advertising for ABC; or as it should be called American Broadcasting Catholics.

All of the people who moved to Atlanta from up 'Narth' are pulling for ND, I cannot wait for this victory to shut them up and then wait till November and do the same to the Dawgs. That would be 2 victories we would never forget no matter what happened during the rest of the season. Watching the Fish and Dawgs fall would be GREAT,

To Hell With Georgia and ND!!!
Hey V you have it a little wrong ABC decided to run a Promo for ND and their company NBC. That stands for nobody but catholics!
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It pisses me off too but what did you expect? ND is "America's Team" and no doubt most of the people watching that game are watching it because ND is playing a respectable team that happens to be GT.

All the more reason I hope we wax that A$$ on saturday!
ND "Americas's team"? Not in a million years.

But they are the team, across America, for Catholics, no question.

Most college fotball fans do not like ND and would love to see GT hand them their Sh** on a silver platter...
Quick question - would you rather have everyone talking about Tech before or after the game Saturday night? I personally vote for "after" we kick the Irish!!

Well I fired off my complaint, won't do anything except make me feel better. I know they are the media darling but dang, come on how is that remotely fair??

Piss on ND!! Go Jackes!!
Believe it or not I did get a response from ABC. Not much of a response but they did answer me back
I refuse to look at it. Did anyone seriously think that the importance of this game in the eyes of ABC had anything to do with Ga. Tech? It didn't. We could be hosting Texas or USC Saturday night and it would pale in importance to ABC. Actually, that game would not be on ABC.

My biggest redemption and joy will NOT be because of the promo. I am looking forward to the awful Brent Musberger having to stuff in a sock all those clever little ish play on words that he has been working on since June.
:drink2:The "Americas Team" that is like saying that Hillary is the perfect Presidential Candiate, here is a prayer that BOTH go down the tube.
pocket_watch said:
I refuse to look at it.

I just looked at it, and don't see what the problem is.
Remember that B Dodd wanted to go independent so that Tech could be the ND of the South.

I was expecting something much worse. Musberger even said RB was explosive. I will take that as a positive. ;)
Looks like the clip is still under construction folks. Could be. They are ranked #2, but how do you know there won't be a Tech part? How 'bout we don't get all wadded up until we see what they show on Saturday?