Anyone know what standard Georgia HS require? I went to a pretty crappy school and we had to do the 4 maths thing, and I think the 3 sciences/social sciences, 4 english. And I thought 2 years of foreign language was par for hte course these days. Maybe I'm overestimating though.
i know it's 20+ years removed but i take my hat off to my old principle for providing me with the classes i needed to get in to Tech. Some classes i think we had 3 maybe 4 students in them.
\'Technical\' graduates only need three nowadays...

and it used to be worse in the dark ages when I graduated.

General students or better, the kind Tech takes, have to have 4 in GA. I wouldn't be surprised if GT didn't have something to do with that requirement.

But Florida only requires 3.

I didn't check elsewhere, but I'm sure it is still an issue.
Y'all may find this hard to believe, but I recently checked the math requirement upon entrance to the top 10 college football teams at the time (a few of weeks ago)and found that only UGA required 4 maths. Someone please tell me I was wrong. Do they waive that requirement for football players?
How do students graduate high school without taking 4 maths & english courses?

Do they just take electives the entire time or what?
Our high schools require 3 maths and 4 language arts (fancy words for "English") to graduate.
The \'Tech\' students, meaning vocational ed.

students only need 3. Almost everyone takes four now. Regular students have to take four in Ga. I looked it up this morning. I graduated in 88 and it was 3 for normal and 2 for Vocational. So it is a solid change.

That fact about UGA is VERY interesting. That would help explain why they almost seem stubborn about taking Ga players (nearly) exclusively.

Even good students in Florida might decide three maths is plenty and slack off senior year.

Anyone look and see if many other states require four?
Re: The \'Tech\' students, meaning vocational ed.

If regular students have to take 4 in Georgia then Marcus Ball and Carlos Thomas both should have covered the math requirement correct?
Re: The \'Tech\' students, meaning vocational ed.

If you are not familiar with the NCAA core gpa requirements it hard to explain. But simply put it means that electives don't count (that means all those PE/weightlifting classes that most high school football players are required to take). Unless the athlete is also a very good student the loss of those A's in the average makes it drop like a rock. Then, unfortunately, the athlete's SAT/ACT score has to take up the slack (sliding scale). Based on the fact that many high level recruits are still waiting on those scores because 1)they either didn't take them as juniors or 2)the grade wasn't anywhere near the minimum (based on the sliding scale) it is hard to say with any certainty that athletes who have 4 maths are "qualified". And if you want to get even more technical, not just any 4 maths count (especially at GT).
Re: The \'Tech\' students, meaning vocational ed.

No, if I understand correctly, there is a college prep track that includes 4 maths. and another track (don't know what it's called) that doesn't. Ball and Thomas may not have been on the college prep plan. Also, Tech is pretty specific about what maths count. I don't know if the basic college prep meets that or not. Also can't believe ugag only takes football players with 4 maths. I'm sure they must make exceptions, and then the question is what their requirements are major by major. I mean, why would a PE major need to take math?
I don\'t think the Math was the main problem...

but I don't know for sure.

IF the UGA note that they need 4 maths is correct, would this not explain why those two TOP recruits do not seem to be in UGA's sights?
Why is this so hard to believe?

GT requires Algebra 1&2, Geometry and an advanced math. If you take General Math Frosh year then progress normally through the rest you qualify at UGA. To get into GT you would have to take 5 maths in that circumstance. So we are virtually eliminating everyone not above average in ninth grade!

Some kids don't have their act together in JR High. They are destined to not be Tech men. That is a disadvantage for us.

This would also explain why UGA gets almost zero recruits from out of state. It actually makes sense.
Re: Why is this so hard to believe?

Does UGA not just ship all the kids without 4 maths off to Hargrave to get the 4th?
Re: Why is this so hard to believe?

Does UGA not just ship all the kids without 4 maths off to Hargrave to get the 4th?

[/ QUOTE ]

If they do, its smart. I would bet that a year of math at Hargrave would be better prep than a senior HS class.

Most Tech guys (me included) have slammed Hargrave, but do you realize that the Navy Acadamy at Annapolis sends over 40% of its pre freshmen to prep schools in VA. before Annapolis. The main reason is mathematics.