After all this waiting, I will be disappointed....


Jul 8, 2002
if Paul Johnson takes the job.

In all of this, I've never had a favorite candidate. I think Paul will do a great job at GT and in fact, I've often wished that he would come to Tech.

But now that the anticipation of Johnson coming is dragging out, I think that it will be a let down when (if) he accepts.

I dunno, maybe it's just that it's the safe choice, the most obvious choice. Yah, yah, rah, rah. I'm thinking now we need to roll the dice and go for broke.

Don't get me wrong - I'll be very happy with Paul. But I think what's making me feel like this is the hesitancy. Yes, I sympathize with him it's a tough decision to make, but I'm thinking I would prefer someone who would immediately jump at the chance to be HC at GT, who would take the phone call, punch his fist in the air "YES!", put a GT hat on and start calling prospects on the way to the press conference.

Ah, but's that's just me.
Ok well who other than Hatcher would be the guy you're describing?
Tenuta wants the job...but I would be dissapointed w/ him. If he kept Bond I'd probably follow through my plan of not buying tickets next year as I was going to do if we kept Gailey. Guess I'm a bad fan.
I bet we could find some high school coaches that would do that. Maybe we should go after them.
I have the exact opposite feeling. The waiting and the competition for PJ's services are driving up his value in my mind. I will feel better if we land PJ tomorrow than I would have if we landed him with our first shot.

I think what's making me feel this way is the void of exciting candidates in the wings if PJ falls through. Tenuta, while possibly a good head coach, is my letdown candidate.

I would really like Hatcher but it very much sounds like that is not going to happen barring some strange circumstance.
Hell, at this point, the only one I'm against is Hatcher and that's only because I'm so sick and ****ing tired of all y'all bringing him up.
Hell, at this point, the only one I'm against is Hatcher and that's only because I'm so sick and ****ing tired of all y'all bringing him up.

Ditto. Hatcher is like Ron Paul -- an Internet darling that doesn't stand a chance in hell of geeting the job.
This process has taken less than two weeks. That's not a long time.

If he's hired, the interminable wait of what, 3 days, that we had to go through waiting for news on PJ will be soon forgotten.
BeesballH1986 makes a pretty valid point. For all intents and purposes the only people who are sitting around on pins and needles refreshing stingtalk every 10 minutes are the died in the wool Techsters to whom the three day time frame has seemed an eternity. I'm getting feelings similar to those back when my folks would drive us the five hours to Northern Wisconsin for summer vacation, and the trip seemed like it took forever. Perhaps the mix of anxiety and anticipation does that to us. More likely, we all have a little of the 10 year old tucked deeply in our evolved psyches.

Wow did this ever get pseudo-profound or what? Time for vodka!
Hell, at this point, the only one I'm against is Hatcher and that's only because I'm so sick and ****ing tired of all y'all bringing him up.
Nice to know that you have nothing bad to say about him. At least it seems everyone can agree about that.
The delay has hardly been interminable except to us diehards. And look at it from PJ's perspective: imagine you had a career (oh how I wish I did) where a couple of days of "hesitancy"--which probably amounts to your agent imploring you to wait until he can get the best deal--could mean an additional HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars for you and your family. Just because PJ (or whoever) takes a day to think about it (and probably tell his players rather than have them hear about it from Herbstreit) doesn't mean he's not enthusiastic about coming to the Flats.

Believe me, when he looks at our RBs compared to the slo-mo athletes he's been working with, he's gonna be very excited to be here.
I've always thought (regardless of the business or situation) that the longer an offer was on the table without response, the less likely it was to be accepted. I hope I'm wrong here, but I have a sneaky feeling Duke will prevail. That would suck.
I have the exact opposite feeling. The waiting and the competition for PJ's services are driving up his value in my mind. I will feel better if we land PJ tomorrow than I would have if we landed him with our first shot.

I think what's making me feel this way is the void of exciting candidates in the wings if PJ falls through. Tenuta, while possibly a good head coach, is my letdown candidate.

I would really like Hatcher but it very much sounds like that is not going to happen barring some strange circumstance.

I disagree with this logic. PJ will not be judged on how much other teams want him, but on W's and L's and his ability to put up with the special GT issues. One of those issues is a board/admin that is not sports minded. Just ask O'leary what he felt about that situation. Allegedly PJ has already complained that we don't want a "real football" coach. We will probably be better off w/ JT or CH. PJ view of his self worth is skewed by his perception of SMU and Dook athletics.
Hatcher is more qualified than Muschamp.

Radakovich doesn't think so. So, when you make that comment, you are saying that you know more than our AD. If you know so much, why are you pecking away on Stingtalk instead of being an AD at a BCS school?