After sleeping on it, its crystal clear what we


beware the zealot
Dec 17, 2001
need to do:

1. We must fight this insult by the NCAA. We need to claim SEC bias and everything else we can think of. We need to file appeal instantly with the NCAA and make it perfectly clear that if we don't reach an amicable solution we are going to court. The damages of this inconsistent application by the NCAA are potentially huge in terms of lost athletic revenue. We need this to be very visible and high profile. We need to bring the BS NCAA to their knees with their silly rules and inconsistent application of discipline. So much for the concept of first time offenders.

2. It is crystal clear we must make a decision RIGHT NOW. Either throw in the towel and play Div 1-AA football OR create the jock major immediately, starting up next fall semester. If the Board of Regents balks then we should sue them.

3. Someone deserves to be let go and its not Gailey. Right now we will be lucky if Gailey sticks it out with us.

Why fight so vociferously! If we don't roll back this embarrassment somewhat we will lose more recruits, more players to academic progress goals, our AA contributions will dry up and our GT Foundation will receive a severe blow. The institute will not get the well-rounded students who want to have the broader college experience of div 1-A athletics. Our average SAT will go down and our academic creditibility will be compromised.

A jock major?

I refuse to believe that it's not possible to win at GT w/o dropping to 1-AA or creating a jock major. We may not be a football factory like some would like, but we can be a respectable program with some great years. Implementing a blatant jock major would disappoint many GT alums and fans, I believe. The kinds of kids we're recruiting today can pass classes, make progress towards graduation, and stay eligible given the proper advisement and tutoring.
better get your head out of the sand...

to repeat O'Leary's success it is clear we have to a) cheat/look the other way or b) give our athletes an easier path to stay in school. When we are fully manned by 950 min SAT recruits, we will be perpetual Vandy and Duke type teams at best.

Shiite or get off the pot.
While I am not an alum(and have NEVER said I was), I think merging back with Georgia State would do that for us. I mean dang, their housing is RIGHT by GT's campus already.. Their students can play in GT's band, but not in any GT's sports?
The majors may not be req'd. Here's my formula:

1.) Absolute above and beyond the norm academic "support" for athletes much like our best ones of the past decade.

2.) Top 10 coaching staff....spend the $ to do it.

3.) Must sign top 10 type QB's....become QB U.

There's more, but this WILL do it. THWG
I agree this would be great for us and not water down a GT degree. The diploma would have Georgia State printed somewhere on it to differentiate from a Tech degree. Somebody tell me why this wouldn't work out for both schools? Is it doable within prsent rules?
Oh its doable....

but there is no way in hades that the board of regents would allow this to happen because it would make the merged GT and GSU larger than ugag. Ain't gonna happen no matter how bad we want it to.
I am an alum and would not tolerate

a merger with Georgia State, or any other institution. To do so would change the essential nature of Georgia Tech. As what ever resulted in such a merger would no longer be the Georgia Institute of Technology, with all its good and bad points, I would no longer feel any obligation or need to support it in any manner whatsoever, and would not do so.
I seldom use our academic situation as an excuse for poor athletic performance. However, we must recognize progress toward degree requirements are going to impair our athletic program.

Some very bright students have to go slow at GT. They drop courses, take lighter loads, etc. to negotiate the rigorous demands of the Institute. Taking five or six years to complete a degree is not abnormal, nor does it indicate poor academic performance.

Factor in the demands on the student athlete. Factor in that the student athletes in many cases enter with GPA's and SAT's below the student body norm. An institute of technology with its math, science, and lab requirements is at a real, not imagined, disadvantage.

The Dukes, UVAs of the world are fine academic institutions. But, their liberal arts curricula and core requirements that predominate the first two years in college make it easier for their SA's to meet the progress toward a degree requirements of the NCAA.

This change in the landscape is serious for GT. Our administrators need to aggressively educate the NCAA about the difference between our school and most of the other NCAA schools. If not, I fear that our athletes, who in my opinion are the cream of the crop when it comes to academic responsibility compared to other schools, will be unfairly punished because they attempt to play sports while attending a premier technological school. We do need to be loud advocates on their behalf.
And can someone help me out here: How is Leinart's Ballroom Dancing class going towards his degree? And how is only taking ONE class count as a full-time student by NCAA guidelines??? I believe Shockley at Ugag is in a similar situation
I heard on TV that Shockley was only taking one class. If only full-time students can play football, how does he get to play?
Great Point! We need to recruit guys that have already graduated from college OR better yet from Tech. I can come back!
hell, Leinart is only taking one class and it is ball room dancing. That's no sh*t either.
Something to do when you are a senior.
Great Post. You are exactly right. Unfortunately, our President Wayne Clough led the charge on this. Its too late. Paul Hewitt even said the same in our Rotary meeting a lil over a year ago when the rules were not in effect yet. He said he fought it tooth and nail as much as he could to let Clough know that he feels its going to hurt Football. Yes, Hewitt said football would be hurt because he knows there are 85 guys and that he wasnt too worried about B-bal but still thought it was going to be a bad rule for places like GT. So you are right on the money but its too late. Its good PR for NCAA and thats it.

called it .Clough has made us the poster child for academic improvement.It not only has increased the success difficulty long run but somebody alluded to the idea that Bama,etc on the Infractions committee hit us hard because on Clough(with NCAA) and how HIS ideas hurt them.
do you have to be a full time student or just on pace to graduate on time? Shockley has already graduated and is in grad school. I dont think eligibility should be taken away from players simply because they took on a larger work load earlier in their scholastic career.