
Helluva Engineer
May 14, 2003
What ever happened to Ahso? he used to post here regularly but I haven't seen a thing from ahso in quite a long time. I know he was part of starting a new site, and I signed on to it also but it never seemed to get up and going very well. Hope he isn't ill or even died. Anyone know anything about this?
AHSO is fine! He doesnt post on this board any longer. He has posted several times on BO and the Hive. I have forgotten the reason he told me he quit this board but at the time (I was at his home) his reasons seemed legit. If you were to ever meet AHSO (yes I know his name) you would like him, a die hard Tech man. We have had several email back and forth and even went to the recruiting dinner together a few years back!
Thanks Oldfog,
good to hear from you again. Hope that ole' ticker is doing ok.
Glad to hear ahso is ok. I have never met him and wouldn't know him if he were standing in front of me. He did have some thought provoking articles in the past that would make one think.
Thanks, OF. I was just thinking about him yesterday and wondering how to find out about him. Glad he is OK. He always was a good poster...sorry he had that run-in.
I was actually looking at the post the count the other day and he STILL has 1000+ more than any poster.

He is certainly welcome to come over here and post. As we have grown we have lost a few in the 1000+ post club b/c it becomes MORE DIFFICULT to please everyone. We try to least amount of moderating as possible (maybe we do too little).

That is why I recommend posters take an occasional break from the boards.
I seem to remember not too long ago he mentioned he posts mainly on a Christian board now. Non Sports I suppose.

I hope they are preaching the "To hell with Georgia!" sermon over there. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Old Fog, if you have any communication with Ahso, please tell him we are asking about him. I sure do miss his input here.
BTW, how's the heart coming along? any more problems?
My heart is fine! Had another procedure last July everything was fine. I'll tell AHSO the next time I see or talk with him. I was told by the new MOD RM2 not to post on this board anymore so you will see less and less of me here. But I do check in from time to time
My heart is fine! Had another procedure last July everything was fine. I'll tell AHSO the next time I see or talk with him. I was told by the new MOD RM2 not to post on this board anymore so you will see less and less of me here. But I do check in from time to time

[/ QUOTE ]

Guess you misread there FOGGY. I am NOT a mod, but thank you anyways. I said I didn't care to hear what you have to say concerning GT football. All you can do with your buddies over on buzzedoff w/ beeturd as YOUR mod is spew negativity.

I could care less if you post here. I toild you NOT to use my name in any of your posts.
Actually RM, I have no desire to post here any longer. Had Rome not asked a question of which I had the answer you would not have see me post.