All of this is just another...



blemish that occured on Gailey's watch that is not Gailey's fault. ..sigh.
Here's my take on this. Why is this a blemish? Seriously? I don't want GT to ever become a football factory that keeps athletes in easy majors while they use them for football. The GT Student Athlete is a cut above the rest of the country's. I don't think alumni want their diploma's diminished in anyway due to football.

Here we had two seniors that frankly went into their final year not really caring because their eligibility was up. Kenny is obviously looking ahead to the NFL. I don't know what Reggie was looking forward to.

I can flat out tell you these kids are getting every advantage to make passing grades that their normal student counterparts do not get. Tutorial services, mentors, study aids, you name it, they get it. If they fail out, its because they brought it on themselves. I failed out of Tech when I was a freshman and came back to graduate. I was young and immature and brought it on myself.

The only thing that is an embaressment about this is that it "looks" to the outside world that we used these kids up up until the very end, and then when they were no longer important, they failed out.

That's the only blemish as far as I'm concerned, but its not the REALITY. Having friends in college that were major college athletes in baseball and football, I can tell you these guys have every advantage and you have to really make an effort to squander that away.
The only reason I want to place some blame on Gailey is his comment stating he didn't know they were in trouble. As the head coach it is his JOB to know. You won't hear me calling for his head though.
Maybe their grades were fine at midterms. /shrug

We don't know enough about this situation. We do know that post flunk-gate our academics have been stellar, for several years strait.
BarrelORum said:
I don't know what Reggie was looking forward to.

Possibly the UGa game. Four years of laying it on the line and coming up short has got to be a letdown. Maybe losing the last two games put him in a funk, so he pouched his finals. It happens.
GTWannaBee said:
The only reason I want to place some blame on Gailey is his comment stating he didn't know they were in trouble. As the head coach it is his JOB to know.

Or maybe he did know....and said oh well....after all, it lets him play the future QB without being seen as disrespectful to the incumbent by benching him for his last game...
Or they knew something, but not the extent. Or they were monitoring them and their progress reports were fine, but didn't know they weren't studying for finals. There's no way to tell what Chan really meant by his comments. Maybe he was just trying to take some of the load off them? As the HC it's all his responsibility, but this will never be a 100% thing. Kenny's dad basically said he just let it go thinking about football. We don't know what Reggie's deal was.
Posted this on another thread....but it works here also.

For those of you harping on Gailey for his quote about knowing sooner and maybe being able to do something if he did........

My daughter goes to Tech.....I can't see her grades or know how she is doing in class unless she tells's a federal law...and the only way I find out if she was telling me the truth is at the end of the semester when the grades are published. (small bragging moment...this semester 4.0) So I suspect that the GTAA academic counselors and coaches have to rely on the SA to tell them their situation.......If you look at the quote with that understanding, it makes sense. Reggie probably led them to believe he was OK.

I also suspect the coaches can do a better job monitoring them when they are in their first 3 years as they can discipline them if the student doesn't exactly tell them how they are doing in their classes. For have no recourse other than finding out at the end if they don't tell you the truth.
mookie43 said:
.....I can't see her grades or know how she is doing in class unless she tells's a federal law...

My guess is the head coach of the football team has more leeway than a father (though I do believe the latter is more important). Again, I only place some of the blame on the coach. He can't be blameless as he is buck's stopping point.
Anytime a student is getting a paid academic ride, I hope that influencers of that scholarship student can gain access to his/her school progress.

Please help on this: Is Chan Gailey considered an employee of Georgia Tech, or is the GTAA a separate entity that employs the coaches?
GTWannaBee said:
My guess is the head coach of the football team has more leeway than a father (though I do believe the latter is more important). Again, I only place some of the blame on the coach. He can't be blameless as he is buck's stopping point.

Uh, no, I don't think that the federal law included an exception for football coaches. Now if the SA signed an agreement as a condition of his scholarship to provide grades then that would get over the privacy hump.