Alright, Title IX Announcers!


Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 7, 2003
Thats my insensitive comment for the day. Game time. Bust some ass Tech.
No more game time VOODOO. What is going on as I can only watch the sportsline grid at work. Where is the D? We sure ssem to be running well.
slant routes are eating us alive. Our running game looks good, passing game looks very off, nothing is clicking. Field is in terrible condition, players slipping everywhere. Reggie can't seem to keep his feet.
This Has To Be The Worst Ever

Pass defense is non-existant, Reggie is even worse than usual. Oh well, Chan got his contract extension anyway.

Guess the bowl selection guys had us pegged right after all...
Re: This Has To Be The Worst Ever

But many believe that CCG is the best coach we can find....
Re: This Has To Be The Worst Ever

But... Many = Dave Braine only
Thats my insensitive comment for the day. Game time. Bust some ass Tech.

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought I was going to see something else when I opened your post.
On your original Title IX comment, I was so despondant when the telecast opened that I did the turn down the sound and listen to radio deal, but couldn't handle the delay.

Regarding Pam Ward (?), I have been pleasantly surprised. I am as big a gender bigot as it comes with my football listening, but shim has done a pretty good job.
It takes some pretty big balls for a woman to take this job, and it looks like she has worked her ass off. Her facts may be the straightest thing about her, but I would much rather listen to someone that has done her homework vs. some guy that shows up at gametime without a clue.

Somehow, I also don't think she minds the San Francisco assignment either. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Eh, shes got her facts, but she always has to be talking with a monotone/no excitement/and a metric asston of backhanded compliments about Ball and the team. I dont mind the women in sports broadcasting, but they should either be hot or knowledgeble and fun to listen to (I've yet to see the trifecta). But over all, she's not terrible.
PW ...I'm right there in the 'frustration' line with you. Just having to bite my tongue (or in this case, my fingertips) at this juncture.