Another reason the fans and media like Paul Johnson


We’re a Coca-Cola school
Nov 18, 2005
From Tony Barnhart:

The Georgia Tech coach got the predictable question: Won’t opposing defenses be better prepared for his offense in year two than they were in year one? In other words, is this the year that opponents figure it out?

Most guys would utter some kind of coach-speak non-answer. But you could hear Johnson smiling through the phone. In 12 seasons as a head coach, he had heard the question more than once.

“When we were at Georgia Southern we played the same teams every year,” said Johnson, implying that things turned out okay in Statesboro, where he won five straight Southern Conference championships and a pair of national championships. Johnson pointed out that those kinds of questions don’t come up when teams run a traditional pro style offense from year to year.

“Whenever you have something different people always have some questions,” he said. In fact, Johnson told me in a previous meeting, he knows what is coming next if Tech is successful again in 2009. “Then they will say that you can’t recruit to it,” he said.

Then came the kicker. “People may get better at defending it but we’ll get better at running it, too” Johnson said. “That much I do know.”
It is funny how he does get different questions...just because of his success.

Sounds weird, doesn't it?
You have no idea how jealous / happy for GT I am. I wish we had the same questions asked down in Statesboro.
The way he dodges the questions and comes back with a point to knock the interviewer off his feet even reminds me of the option .... The interviewer thinks he's got him pegged and attack's the style of O and then CPJ just fakes him out and is running down the sideline pointing out his flaws
Next year, it will be questions about the defense being able to remain consistent with all the focus on a unique offense.