Anyone here work for Tech sports publicity?


Varsity Lurker
Aug 11, 2003
Several posters have accused a handful of board respondents to be UGA spies/plants/aliens/whatever. How about we check the swing possibility -- anyone want to fess up that they work for the Tech sports publicity/information department? These sites certainly provide a quick, cost-efficient way to boost up the program's image. I'll bet a million dollars there's one (maybe a few) people from the department who post, whose vested interest is to stymie negative word-of-mouth and plant positive-theme subjects to energize respondents.
Bottom line:
Don't believe everything you read on an internet message board and don't take anything too seriously.
Deacjacket, I would say the chances against that are probably 100%. There was a lady from the GTAA that came on the board and identified herself as being from the GTAA some time back.

Her stated purpose was to answer some of the misinformation that was being tossed around on the board. I Exchanged an Email with her when I read some of her posts on the board.

I thought it was a good idea to have someone from the GTAA to clarify some of the issues. She said that was her intention, but it did not work out. There were some that were determined to believe there own stories and their only replies were critical of everything she was trying to explain.

So, she said she stopped posting on the board, but still monitored it from time to time. I believe anyone from the GTAA would identify themselves if they were posting on the board the same as Catjacket did when she was posting.

In fact, she seemed very direct and outspoken when she replied to my Email. She said she wished everyone would call the GTAA and verify any rumors or misinformation. I did call the GTAA several times after that and asked them about particular issues, and they gave me the information I asked for.

I honestly believe the issue is one-sided. I believe those trying to chase Gailey and Braine from Tech are using the boards for their agenda, but I don't believe the GTAA is using it with any plants.

It is no secret that I am one of the most vocal of the posters exposing the attempt by the core group bashing Gailey, but, I can assure you, I am in no way connected with the GTAA or any of their people.

In fact, I don't know one person from the GTAA, but I know several, personally, from the group trying to fire Gailey and Braine.

Father Time
Let's just get behind Gailey this year and stop thinking that spies/plants are always here.