Anyone remember....


Damn Good Rat
Jul 29, 2014
2 weeks ago when we were picked by the experts to crush Notre Dame, win the ACC and get to the playoff?

What the öööö happened!?!?


Sports TV and radio were so much better then."
I would like to discuss this new and relevant topic in an emotional hyperbole. In doing so, I will make gross oversimplifications of, but not limited to, our coaching staff, quarterback, offensive line, defense (and defensive line), bowl streak, perimeter blocking, loss of talent, home attendance, and frat guys. I will also provide my best (read: very poor) expert analysis of our traumatic losses while simultaneously making several off-topic points with loose tie backs to my inevitable rant.

I will finish my comment to this thread with a single line statement using vague coach-speak as way to entice replies.
I always wonder how often the OP for these kinds of threads has played competitors team sports.
öööö, I had just finished the last of that bourbon when I saw this thread. Now I have to open a new bottle of Knob Creek and cuss you for this issue.
Seriously.... What happe......

Knob creek? Hey man- where you at?
I have successfully forgotten two weeks ago with the copious application of alcohol. I am on mission to drink myself back to 1990.
I have successfully forgotten two weeks ago with the copious application of alcohol. I am on mission to drink myself back to 1990.

Ahhhh, it the 50's now. Everything is just fine. I sitting next to a middle aged coit as we cheer on Dodd.
It's September 6, 2003.

We just beat Auburn with a freshman QB!

Everything is going to be alllllright
We lost to Notre Dame? I thought we tied them. Wait.. oh, yeah. Dangit.