The positives.
1. We will not face a team as good as Clemson the rest of the way. We just were physically outmatched in this one.
2. Are defense actually played as well as you can expect, particularly against the run. Roof actually called a pretty good game.
3. Mills is only going to get better as the season progresses.
The Negatives.
1. The O-Line is bad. You cannot block like a fish out of water every play. On top of that , they take wrong angles when blocking often. The same can be said of the A-backs.
2. Paul Johnson has got to open up the offense. Can we pass on first down on occasion? A curl or out please? Is it illegal to put Jt in the shotgun? At least spread the field, when your lineman are getting there rears handed to them. Run some gun option, or qb draw, maybe a quick pass play. Johnson insists this is a spread offense. Lets act like it for change.
1. We will not face a team as good as Clemson the rest of the way. We just were physically outmatched in this one.
2. Are defense actually played as well as you can expect, particularly against the run. Roof actually called a pretty good game.
3. Mills is only going to get better as the season progresses.
The Negatives.
1. The O-Line is bad. You cannot block like a fish out of water every play. On top of that , they take wrong angles when blocking often. The same can be said of the A-backs.
2. Paul Johnson has got to open up the offense. Can we pass on first down on occasion? A curl or out please? Is it illegal to put Jt in the shotgun? At least spread the field, when your lineman are getting there rears handed to them. Run some gun option, or qb draw, maybe a quick pass play. Johnson insists this is a spread offense. Lets act like it for change.