Very good article with some good information. I have not been the biggest fan of DB but when I look at his career at Tech without prejudice, he has done a good job at Tech, and I wish him well in his retirement.
Tech has had some good ADs, and some great ones. In my opinion the greatest one in recent history was Homer Rice. We do have one candidate that received extensive training form Homer, and that candidate is Bill Curry.
This is one of the big reasons I support Bill Curry. He is the only candidate that received the non-replaceable training and experience from Homer Rice.
Of course I recognize the fact that Todd Stansbuty played football for BC and thus has received some of the same knowledge, but BC received it first hand. There is no replacement for training and experience, and although it is not apparent on the surface, BC has some of the most valuable training and experience that any single candidate that is being considerd have.