As pertains to Houston:..................


Flats Noob
Dec 2, 2001
let's give it a rest, please. The main people who should care are our opponents.
Is he innocent????
1. Is he innocent of what????
2. Is he innocent or guilty????
3. Is he guilty??? Of what???

My position:
1. You do what the courts dictate. I would be p/o'd if he was a ugager. As a Techster, I hope they are mightily troubled!!!!!!
2. I hope the young man plays the game of his life agains ugag.
3. The only difference is that ugag would have suspended him one quarter, and let him play freely the rest of the year.

I now take the typical position of GT opponents: "Let him play until ALL the information is in.

My feeling (regardless of how it is motivated)......Go, big man Rueben Houston: show the world how to play defensive football!!!!! We will deal with the rest later.
I'm not too worried about it. GT made the right decision (at the time) to suspend him from school and the team.

The courts then put CCG in a precarious situation when they ruled that RH be allowed to rejoin the team. It's not CCGs job to establish guilt or innocence so he's doing the right thing by treating him as he would any other player.