Asshole dook fans....


Nov 25, 2001
Took my 10 y/o kid and pretty disappointed with the atmosphere. Asshole dook fans were everywhere. I use to have better experiences at dook games.
Been to a couple of their game b/f and nothing like this (it’s been a few years)

They had cowbells and when they were losing they were assholes and win they started winning they were assholes. Maybe this is some of Cut’s boys from Tennessee. Probably not appropriate place for 10 y/o kid.
It's a sad day when we get out butts kicked by Duke, and when Duke fans are jerks. What is the world coming to?
I had the same experience a couple of years ago. I had more Duke fans trash-talk me in one game than UGA, Clemson, VPI or any other away game experience. It's really bizarre considering their general success in football.