Attention Winsomniacs

The Jacket

The Coat
Jun 17, 2002
After we unleash this savage and merciless beating on the best team God's got to offer - for now, anyway, I imagine he'll be swapping his green hat for magic underwear after Saturday - I expect winsomnia to be in full, crippling effect. Primarily because I'm tired of being the only jackass still posting at 3AM but also because it's the only proper physiological response to kicking so much ass.

So get your beauty rest in now, seven days from this moment I expect to be having a full-fledged discussion of whether we can even accurately gauge how we'll perform against Duke based on the ease with which we've slaughtered a team like Notre Dame.

i am so lonely
Behold ye I am still awake and concur with your opinion. Unlike most board comrades I will be at home for this contest and will have been up all night from early onset winsomnia
Behold ye I am still awake and concur with your opinion. Unlike most board comrades I will be at home for this contest and will have been up all night from early onset winsomnia

That's the spirit. This awesome, debilitating illness will pick up where it left off following its diagnosis in 2009. But this time, after we trounce Georgia like we should have then, I believe it will progress to Fatal Familial Winsomnia and none of us will make it through the bowl game alive.

I cannot wait.
I believe it will progress to Fatal Familial Winsomnia and none of us will make it through the bowl game alive.

I cannot wait.

Only a single bowl game? We're going to the playoffs baby. #hypetrain #nosleeptillglendale
Only a single bowl game? We're going to the playoffs baby. #hypetrain #nosleeptillglendale

This is what it looks like to nitpick with your öööö mind rite kids. FMB, this Saturday, may sleep fail to find you and forevermore be replaced with visions of CPJ dancing on BVG's head.
Is beating an overrated, has-been program that clings to outdated beliefs and glory from the Eisenhower administration days really that big of a deal?
While wearing a sombero and telling Cutcliff he's next*.

The ND boards best get they öööö mind rite cuz here Tempest cum str8 up. May the strongest doses of Ambien and Lunesta become nothing more than morning vitamins for you, Tempest.
Is beating an overrated, has-been program that clings to outdated beliefs and glory from the Eisenhower administration days really that big of a deal?

Allen's öööö mind so rite he's telepathically causing tater tots throughout South Bend to evaporate as we speak. May the letter Z piss itself every time you use it in a post, Allen.
If Captain America steps in a pile of shit on his way to kick the Red Skull's ass, he doesn't stop to admire it or put highlights of it up on Sports Center. He scrapes it off his boot and gets back to work.
If Captain America steps in a pile of shit on his way to kick the Red Skull's ass, he doesn't stop to admire it or put highlights of it up on Sports Center. He scrapes it off his boot and gets back to work.


My major problem these days would better be described as "Worksomnia", but the cause is similar to your ailment, Jacket

My major problem these days would better be described as "Worksomnia", but the cause is similar to your ailment, Jacket

I have full faith that following this Saturday you'll not only be dealing with full-blown winsomnia at night, but by day you'll be a new man at your place of winployment. You'll be measuring your productivity at work as translated into yards per carry and gains of 10+ yards. If you have any direct competition in your line of work, they'll be out of business before the Duke game, living on the potato surplus being distributed across the country following the annihilation to everyone in South Bend who does not live and breathe with the Good Word at the top of their lungs.

I'd say you should pray for your professional rivals but God himself is entering a world of pain this weekend.