This is more of a character issue than anything...
There is a decent education to be had at Auburn if you work for it. If you are tempted by taking the easy way out, and it is presented to you in the form of an easy class, then you will take it.
I don't know what is so bad about this though. There were several classes at GT and every other school where the athletes flocked to because it was an Easy "A". Anyone remember "Rocks for Jocks"? Also, I rememeber I had an English elective that basically was a class where we watched classic movies, musicals, etc and then openly discussed them. There was one test at the end of the class that was objective and not subjective. I think the majority of the class got A's and a few got B's. If you got a C or D, or even flunked.. you obviously just didn't go to class or do anything. Of course, if attendance was not mandatory and there were no tests involved, I don't know how you explain that.
All I'm saying is lesser versions of this go on at EVERY school, INCLUDING GT.