Auburn letter in AJC

The V

May 20, 2003
Check out the Tuesday AJC Editorial section, a letter from a lady in Alabama complaining about the Ga. Tech Students who took the goal post out of Bobby Dodd Stadium. See explains how rude the students were. It was Auburn that turned the fire hoses on the opposing teams students and alumni several years ago, correct? Oh, yea that was the UGA students and Auburn thought the UGA types needed a bath. Talk about classless, try again Auburn.
Cry me a river, AU fans who write letters to the Atlanta Urinal. I was stuck in the Student Center parking deck for 45 minutes because one AU fan couldn't get their John Deere started and others were chasing after their family goat that broke loose.

You don't hear me complaining or writing letters to the local rag.

To heck with the Aubums. A guy behind me was yelling halo rule, halo rule. I said to him they dropped the halo rule. He then tried to start a fight with me. He was was about 6+ft I'm 5' 8", he was about 28 maybe 30 years old at the most, me over 65, him somewhere around 180 to 190 lbs. I'm 140 since my heart operation big brave guy. But a typical Aubum.
The V, Not only did Auburn turn the water hose on the DAWG fans but they did it in sub-freezing weather. It was in the low 20's if my memory serves me correctly. What a joke.
Fridge you are correct there is nothing meaner than an POff old man.
Yeah like we care what the awbies think. Personally, as for me I hope our fans never find the need to storm the field again unless it is after winning the BCS championship game.
*laugh* 83 year old grandfather had a triple
bypass a few years ago and all his grandsons still
know better than to mess with him.

Originally posted by oldfoggy:
To heck with the Aubums. A guy behind me was yelling halo rule, halo rule. I said to him they dropped the halo rule. He then tried to start a fight with me. He was was about 6+ft I'm 5' 8", he was about 28 maybe 30 years old at the most, me over 65, him somewhere around 180 to 190 lbs. I'm 140 since my heart operation big brave guy. But a typical Aubum.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">
Originally posted by oldfoggy:
Fridge you are correct there is nothing meaner than an POff old man.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Good Point O'Foggy, except for a POff old woman. Meet my wife. LOL
ROFL, FHStinger! I saw this picture in another of your posts earlier this week, but I was looking at the intense concentration on Nate Curry's face. I just happened to look down at the Auburn player then and noticed that it looked like he was doing exactly what you invited them to do! LOL...Great shot!
Techstinger, I don't get why storming the field isn't a fun part of college football. Are there studies that people get hurt a much higher percentage than starting a bonfire for example, or some other type of expression.

Tech, just beat a long term rival for the first time in 25 years and after an incredibly stormy year. Isn't that the best of reasons to tear down the goal posts?

I hope Navy is allowed to tear them down once they beat Notre Dame again (since 1962 I think). To me it's just a good wholesome method of releasing your joy. The other options are so much worse.