AUC - 8 Men Interviewed for Tech Job

They left out a significant 2 and a less significant 1. Also - some were phone screens and some were actual interviews - not that it matters.

It's good enough for the paper reading public and mostly accurate - it just leaves out a lot. Any news coverage from that paper that's not negative is a good thing.
Just goes to show you can't believe everything you read in the paper...or watch on the news.
Just goes to show you can't believe everything you read in the paper...or watch on the news.
Or, alternately, from anonymous sources on the internet.

Indeed WM was interviewed the quotes from Clough even confirm that he was interviewed.
I'd like to see those quotes.

The "Muschamp Freakoutery Incident" doesn't sit well with me, and I don't think we should let it drop until it's settled.