B. Bowden Article


Nov 25, 2001
http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/sports/colleges/florida_state_univer sity/4470782.htm

This could get ugly for the great coach if he is serious.

Even if they win out this is a sub standard year for FSU and he says "All I know is there hadn't been a day I even considered retiring."

Holding on too long seem to be a growing problem for successful people. Would anyone want there 73 y/o father coaching FSU? I would have to say that is equivalent to running a HUGE company.

Is it fair to F$U if Bowden performs at sub standard levels? Just because he BUILT the company is he allowed to bring it down?

I don't know the answer and all this talk may be premature however it is probably better than 50% odds that FSU will not get back to a Nat. Champ. Game under Bobby.

I have never been a fan of Bobby. I always felt he was a little quick to throw the bomb with a heavy lead, however his legacy speaks for itself. He has had a run as good as any, but I feel with the power of message boards and the press this could turn very ugly.

I just think he should probably step away and let someone else have an opportunity.

Just some food for thought.
This may not be a popular view here. But I think Bowden has earned the right to leave on his own terms. This is a college football team, not a Fortune 500 company. Heck, they're still in the running for the ACC title.

Personally, I'd like to see him step down soon and avoid being the caretaker of a program that's on the dip. But, it's up to him. My guess is that he's trying to get some stability back into the program before he steps down.
It all comes down to accountablility. In the end Bowden like all coaches is hired worker.

He has been VERY successful but he has also been very well compensated.

If you are very successful do you have the right to stay IF it is not in the schools best interest?

I don't know the answer, however I do believe that is the question.
Bobby HAS to say that in order to have continued success on the recruiting trail. However, after two sub-par (by FSU standards) seasons questions about him staying will continue to proliferate. And as they do, it will be more and more difficult to not only sign top talent, but to keep and sign top assistants. I really expect him to make a "surprise" announcement just before the bowl game.

I agree, he's earned the right to leave on his own terms, and I wish him all the best (except for tomorrow!!
). Love 'em or hate 'em he's been the very best there is...
If you look back in history the really great coaches all seem to lose something towards the end of their careers. Remember the BEAR at the end of his career, Bama was playing good ball but not to the standards of his earlier years. Bobby (in my opinion the greatest) Dodd had some so-so years with Orange bowl year being the exception. Possibly the greats and near greats think they can perform the same miracles years after the game has passed them by.