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He's 12-2 against us. I'll take our chances with the next guy.

Fair enough - I wouldn't mind if they found another Donnan up there. That said, my worst nightmare is that they somehow find somebody that can turn all the advantages they have (money, no academic standards) into high-level success. Keeping Richt around, even though he owns GT, at least prevents that from happening...

While I've been alive, we've only beaten them zero times on my birthday.

well man my birthdays were usually pretty disheartening because a gt loss before or the day of it. it's turrible
well man my birthdays were usually pretty disheartening because a gt loss before or the day of it. it's turrible

Had to look this up. So last time we won on a November 28 was in 1998. And the one before that was in 1970.
So you are definitely not any older than 45! or younger than 19
We lost to Virginia. I dont expect to beat anyone, but you never know.
Just like we celebrated at the end of this regime

Just as that, in retrospect, may not have been such a good idea, a weakening MR may be a good thing for us.

Be careful what you wish to topple.
We'd be tearing them down in celebration of the end of the Richt era. He doesn't survive losing to us. He may not survive regardless of the outcome, but losing to Tech would result in it being a next day type thing.

They wouldn't let Richt back on the team bus. He would have to Über it back to Athens.
I was going to say "more like back to wall" but we have already been driven through the wall.
We had a chance to end UGA's bowl streak and missed the PAT.

I just hope they don't get a chance to end ours, because they will.
It will be just a memory by the time UGA strolls onto Grant field.