Beebad, this one is for you my friend...


Mediocre Poster
Jul 24, 2002
Because I knew you would delete the thread, obviously admitting that you are not a man. I am posting it here so everyone can read it and decide for themselves. You are a weak weak man. (For those unaware of my commentary below, go read the threads started by Beebad busting ona 17 year olf HS kid who committed to play for the Jackets.

Anyway, here it is.....

I really don't care about your experience. I don't care about anyone's. People are going to have their opinions period.

I questioned your experience on Stingtalk because just as I thought, you don't have much. Pitching, playing point guard, and playing tennis really doesn't support your "extensive knowledge". I would say that's about on par with any person who considered themself an athlete at one point. None of it adds up to knowledge anyway. I know people who never played a down of football who are some of the most X's and O minded people I've ever met. I also know some who played who in my opinion were great players but are terrible evaluaters of the overall game. Either way I don't care. Some people are knowledgable... others aren't. We'll all have our own opinions regardless

I'm not trying to go out of my way to cut on you either. I am sure you were a very competitive guy and played those sports well. But it is laughable for you to hold those sports out there like its a Red Badge of Honor and you indeed know more than the next guy. Gimme a break.

And Techie and the bunch ragged on Gailey's recruits typically during the height of recruiting season. Not in April.

And now you are arguing that at least you are consistent? I've never seen someone try to veer off the subject so bad to make them look like they are correct. Your name should be Tangent Master. Try staying on the subject. State not agreeing with you about ripping a 17 year old kid is not countering his opinion that Gailey is a bad coach. Its called having some F'ing decency as well as COMMON SENSE! Knowing that this kid has yet to get his ranking and we are in only in April, seems a little ridiculous to be busting on Gailey by raging on a 17 year old HS recruit. Its just crappy of you.

You've given excuse after excuse to try to not admit that what you did held no merit. You want to deny that you were indeed being sarcastic. You want to give excuses as to why you consistently do not post with substance and counter it with the childish tactic of "I'll reply with substance when someone posts with substance". BRILLIANT!!! The age old "I know you are but what am I" tactic is executed to perfection! Congratulations!

You've given excuses as to why it is acceptable to rail a 17 year old High School kid that is excited to play for the team you apparently root for. You've used the "Well he did it so it should be ok for me to do it" excuse. You've given the "Well I got made fun of so it should be ok for me to do the same" excuse.

Not once have you had the Balls to think for yourself. Not once have you had the balls to man up and say "Hey, you know what, I was wrong." Had you said that, I think most on this board are pretty forgiving. Instead you keep digging a hole firing off tangents in the hopes of diverting attention away from your complete crappy commentary.

Tangent attempt a.) Ragging on 17 year olds is consistent logic with hating Gailey and you guys are flip floppers for not approving of me ragging on 17 year old HS kids!!! AWESOME!!! Unbelievable substance!!! Kudos for not even coming close to the subject!!! What does one have to do with the other??

Tangent attempt b.) Diverting attention by saying that the people that are attacking you are hypocrits because they pull for the agricultural talent over the urban talent. I'm glad we are now segregating GA. How desperate was that one???? Maybe I should rename that Reach attempt b.) and not Tangent attempt b.

But my alltime favorite is Tangent Attempt c.) PLAYING THE RACE CARD. Congrats... you are now on the level of Cynthia McKinney, Johnny Cochran et al. Lets see... this is an alltime classic. This is historically been used when someone knows they are in the wrong and they need a powerful excuse to divert the attention away from what THE REAL problem is. They cannot take the heat so they blame someone else for their racism. Beautiful. We have somehow managed to go from having the arguement that it is ok vs. not ok to bust on a 17 year old HS kid to : "You only believe that because you are a racist". Unbelievable. Do you actually listen to yourself sometimes? How more ridiculous can you be? Really? Ladies and Gentlemen, mark it down now, for the first time in GT sports boards history the RACISM CARD has officially been played with actually no supportive evidence to back up the claim. I salute you Beebad.. quite simply astonishing.

I'm left wondering if you are doing this on purpose to be funny to yourself. Unfortunately though I am reminded of a 4 year old who is holding, kicking and screaming and throwing a tantrum because he does not want to be wrong.

So let us recap... we've got two or three really juicy excuses as to why it was perfectly acceptable of you to make fun of a 17 year old HS recruit. Then we got 3 long shot attempts by you to change the subject and direct the heat on someone else. Included in those attempts is the Proverbial Race Card attempt which is quite simply a CLASSIC. You've Managed to make more excuses in that one thread and change the subject more times than you accuse Chan Gailey of.

But now you have taken it one step further... Instead of admitting defeat you lock down the thread and issue the ultimatum that there will be no more such talk. This is getting juicy. You are backpedaling faster than Deion Sanders covering Michael Irvin. You have criticized the Hive and Stingtalk endlessly for years with regards to their supression of free speech. Now here you are doing the same all because you don't like being exposed as an ass in a thread that you brought on yourself... TWICE if I may say, because you refuse to admit you were in the wrong.

But oh well... you'll delete this thread too because you are not man enough to sit here and face your criticism. You are nothing of this tough guy who "doesn't make excuses" , is "a major competitor", blah blah blah... those two threads just exposed you for the Complete Fraud that you are. And go ahead and ban me from your site, because that will drive the nail in your coffin that I am 100% DEAD ON THE MONEY.

Be a man for once, admit that you were wrong and we can all move on. Being sarcastic at the expense of a 17 year old HS kid is freaking weak, and wrong. And Jack Nicolaus was a winner because he used those criticisms to make his game better... he didn't dish out that criticism like some pathetic beat writer who wouldn't know competition if it bit him in the ass. Jack Nicolaus was a Gentlemen, a Sportsmen, and a Winner. And your pathetic effort to compare yourself to him is utterly ridiculous.

Be a MAN. Stop being a LOSER. You have the ability right now to seal your fate. Are you a fraud? Or are you a Man? Which is it?
Beebad has little man's syndrome... he thinks he's actually gaining accalodes in the world just because he created his little message board. In addition he deletes every post hitting him with the truth because he's too much of a coward to ever admit he purposely baits everyone. If I was that lame I would just hide from the message boards altogether... at least his cowardness would be hidden. Lastly, he wouldn't say any of the crap he spews over there about Joseph Gilbert to Joseph's face because once again, he's a big coward. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Does that board still have like 20 fonts posting back and forth to each other? Oh yeah, and have they ever had a thread that didn't include Chan? They really love him over there...they don't talk about anything else. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol2.gif
I have no doubt that most on buzzoff are hardcore Tech fans, some more rational than others, but it's blatently obvious that beebad is no friend of Tech. Now he may believe he's a Tech fan, but with fans like that, who needs enemies?
Now, THIS is rich!!!

Apparently I've been banned from BO as a response to the above post.

Whoopdedo. This from the crew that DAILY lambasts the Hive and "Stinktalk" for "censorship". Right.

Betcha BOR is banned, too.

Just life the 'mover brothers were banned when they nailed BB.


Quote from Beebad: "The only reason anyone is banned from BO is for making physical threats."
Re: Now, THIS is rich!!!

He banned me, Statelinejacket, and Techfan45 yesterday for making him look like an idiot.
Re: Now, THIS is rich!!!

He banned me, Statelinejacket, and Techfan45 yesterday for making him look like an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldn't that be like throwing out a pair of jeans because *they* make you look fat? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
it is VERY difficult to moderate a sports board...

it is VERY difficult to moderate a sports board and be an ACTIVE participant. Beestorm and I agreed very early that we would stay in the background and let the members take the lead.

after almost 5 YEARS we are more in the background than ever before. There is TOO MUCH weight given to mod's views IMO. When a mod comments on the discussion it is kinda like the ref going up to the QB and saying "nice pass."

I have seen posts on Stingtalk of current members that were probably in the same vain as Beebad's on BuzzOff, but nobody likes the ref. And if you stumble there will be numerous fonts to tell you that you screwed up.

I for one am apreciative of Beebads forum. I use to feel guilty when it did not work out for certain members here at Stingtalk. The fact that they had another forum to post their views made it easier for me to do what I felt was necessary for the good of the Stingtalk community.

I do agree that most if not all on BuzzOff are GT fans. I hope Beebad modifies the ban to short suspensions (because they AIN'T COMING BACK HERE /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif). AND I LIKE the "NO HOLES BARRED" discussion of BuzzOff.

Beebad a word of advise. Get yourself ANOTHER FONT to voice your opinions and then when you make a misstep it will not be the subject of such grand proportions.

Quote from Beebad: "The only reason anyone is banned from BO is for making physical threats."

I never physically threatened him, so as usual he's lying out his coward butt.
gtfan, normally I would agree with you, but...

Beebad is not like the referee walking up to the QB and saying "nice pass!"

He's more like the referee who walks up to the QB after an interception and kicks him in the nuts. Then when the entire team beats the snot out of him, he suspends all the players from the game.

He tried to bash Gailey by busting on a 17 year old kid. Classless.

He then tried to say that if you aren't bashing a 17 year old kid who is currently a 1 star recruit then you must be a fan of Gailey, which is incorrect, but also classless.

Then he called another poster a racist for no reason other than to try to turn attention away from him.

Then when he realized he could not win the very arguement he started himself, he locked down the threads and issued an ultimatum that no one is to post about board content anymore.

Then when tried to be forced to face his deserved criticism... he mass boots people off his board.

That's exactly how that went down. He has no balls and runs his site much like George Orwell's portrayal of government control in "1984".
Re: Now, THIS is rich!!!

He banned Statelinejacket? Wow, just...Wow. That guy certainly is no Hive Chan apologist, like BeeBad characterizes everyone who disagrees with him. I can't remember a single Beebad post that really showed enthusiasm for anything Georgia Tech. Just think of the title of that post "Another one star recruit." Except, we haven't had a one star recruit for the past four years or so. Simply astounding
Re: Now, THIS is rich!!!

I thought SLJ was anything but a Gailey fan. Does that mean there's dissension in the Chan haters club?

I don't venture over to BO mainly because I don't have any significant interest in what goes on over there. I also don't post at The Hive either, so it's not about who says what about whichever coach. Since I believe that BOR is a man of his word and that similar things have been said by others about BeeBad, I will take BOR's word with regard to the latest happenings over at BO and say that I'm not surprised.

Browsing through all these Georgia Tech forums really gives you exposure to a variety of moderating styles. I don't particularly agree with any of them, but I find the moderating here to be better than The Hive and BO, if only because ruling with an iron fist is absolutely futile in terms of building up any credibility for your forum. Go ahead, take your ball, cry, and go home. Everyone else who can see through your crap will be going elsewhere and not come back.

As far as running a forum as well as being a regular participant, I do it all the time in mine and have no problems with it. I believe that an administrator should be free to express himself or herself on a forum. I don't believe in being a slave to my own forum. However, even as a participant, the moderator and administrator duties still take precedence and I've got a professional responsibility to see things from all sides and stay out of no-win controversies such as religion, politics, or in the case of Tech forums, Georgia Tech's football coach. That's just using your head. If you can't deal with opposing opinions no matter how much you disagree with them, then let someone else moderate. If you can't figure that out or handle the criticism that comes with running a forum, then don't even bother starting one.
Re: gtfan, normally I would agree with you, but...

It's unfortunate that beebad doesn't know enough about recruiting to know that one star means that a player has not been evaluated by the scouting services. Just another example of speaking without having knowledge of what you are talking about. BOR and I have had some differences but he definately doesn't fall into that category. I commend BOR for the action he took. I've had the pleasure of meeting Gilbert and his dad and not only is he a good athlete but he's a very good student and will be another example of the great kids we are bringing into the program.
Re: gtfan, normally I would agree with you, but...

Beebad doesn't know enough about anything to be taken seriously. I've probably been banned, but haven't bothered to find out as I haven't posted there in quite a while. I just love his two faced approach to things though...on one hand he claims that anything is fair game, then he bans people simply for disagreeing with him. No holds barred my ^%$*&
Hey beebad...

I use the same user name on all the boards so nice try on accusing me of a threat. Go back to banning everyone on your hapless message board. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
Re: Hey beebad...

Quote from Beebad: "The only reason anyone is banned from BO is for making physical threats."

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny, someone should ask him about the thread he started several years ago (I posted in it) where he threatened BOR. I don't even know if BOR saw it. Wanted to meet him and fight etc...Wish I would have copied and pasted it somewhere because it was pretty angry. I doubt he'd be man enough to admit to it now. I kinda poked fun at him as he fumed.

Post lasted a few hours then "poof" disappeared.
Re: Now, THIS is rich!!!

I thought SLJ was anything but a Gailey fan. Does that mean there's dissension in the Chan haters club?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, yeah, SLJ is president of the anti-Gailey club...the dissention came when beebad ridiculed the OL recruit for being a one-star...that recruit is from Stateline's backyard and although he doesn't know him personally (I think) he knows that this is a very good legit committment for Gailey and took offense at BB's post.