BIG gets the new ESPN+Fox Sports contract

What difference, at this point, does it make?
Year 1 of the 6 year deal, that will increase every year!

$240 M from Fox
+$190 M from ESPN
+$ 10 M from CBS
$440 M subtotal

$440 M / (14 teams + 1 conference share) = $29.3 M/year

BTN payout per team is currently about $7 M/year (probably will rise during those 6 years however not sure by how much)

$29.3 M + $7 M = $36.3 M/year per team for media (Not CFP Playoff Money)

ACC received 217.9M in TV money for 2014-15, so it probably got 220M in 2015-16 and will get 224M in 2016-17, if you add the higher right fee of 50M for no ACCN we will be looking at 257M for 2017-18, while the BIG will probably be at 480M in 2017-18.... 200M more than the ACC. This is why some teams in the ACC are going nuts for a better TV Deal!

One thing is for sure, Maryland does not look so stupid anymore!! The ACC may need a new Commish to lead the ACC and compete in this new Conf TV network era!!
Yay! Minnesota football! Maryland football! Northwestern football!

We better get our money before the powers that be at the networks go to rehab.
Plus, the Big Ten was considered the last truly big media rights deal for another five years, when the NHL (2021), Major League Baseball (2021) and NFL (2021-22) see their media rights deals expire. The PGA Tour can opt out of its media deals with CBS and NBC in 2018, and UFC’s deal with Fox ends in 2018.

So the SEC, ACC, Pac12 are tied up for at least 5 more years?
So the SEC, ACC, Pac12 are tied up for at least 5 more years?
ACC is tied up To ESPN and Raycom through 2026-27...SEC was signed in 2014 and was 15 years so I think it is locked up through 2028-29...Not sure about the PAC12..

Supposedly the ACC will be due some sort of higher right fee by 1 July 2016 if ESPN does not launch an ACC Network by 1 July 2017..rumors are anywhere from 30M to 50M extra a year...but our TV money is only around 221M...So the higher rights fee would still put us 200M down...

Hopefully there is an ACC Network coming this will allow the ACC to have that channel and when 2025-26 come ESPN and NBC will be able to out bid each rumor has it NBC would love a piece of the ACC to go with their ND relationship. But we are a decade out so anything could happen.
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Year 1 of the 6 year deal, that will increase every year!

$240 M from Fox
+$190 M from ESPN
+$ 10 M from CBS
$440 M subtotal

$440 M / (14 teams + 1 conference share) = $29.3 M/year

BTN payout per team is currently about $7 M/year (probably will rise during those 6 years however not sure by how much)

$29.3 M + $7 M = $36.3 M/year per team for media (Not CFP Playoff Money)

ACC received 217.9M in TV money for 2014-15, so it probably got 220M in 2015-16 and will get 224M in 2016-17, if you add the higher right fee of 50M for no ACCN we will be looking at 257M for 2017-18, while the BIG will probably be at 480M in 2017-18.... 200M more than the ACC. This is why some teams in the ACC are going nuts for a better TV Deal!

One thing is for sure, Maryland does not look so stupid anymore!! The ACC may need a new Commish to lead the ACC and compete in this new Conf TV network era!!

Maryland doesn't look bright yet. They don't get full share until the 2020s. Then, they have to pay back a $40ishM loan to the Big10. It'll be quite a long time until they get into the black long term.
The largest CFB TV deal that will ever be signed. By the time the next one comes up the cable giants will be caught in a landslide called streaming.
The problem with the current ESPN & ACC deal is that Commish packaged all of the T3 TV rights with T1 & 2 TV rights. Basically, ESPN owns them all. Unlike the new BIG deal that is split between FOX/ESPN and then CBS SPORTS Network (basketball only), ESPN owns them all!

Many ACC fans don’t understand that the 26M avg they’re getting for 2014-15 tax return doesn’t compare directly to other conf.. The ACC TV Money is set while the BIG12(or every other P5 Conf) avg TV money must be added to TV T3 rights to get the true dollar amount (23.3M+T3 TV rights.) ACC conference members did retain their non-televised third tier media rights.

How much is Tier 3 rights worth?? CBS SPORTS NETWORK just paid 10M annually to the BIG just for left over Basketball games, FOX and ESPN also get Basketball games and then the rest go to CBS SPORTS NETWORK...Furthermore Raycom pays $50 million annually in a sublicense agreement with ESPN for 31 live football games and 60 live men’s basketball games; ACC schools see none of that money. Raycom sublicensed 17 of those football games and 25 of those basketball games to Fox, which carries the games on its regional sports networks and again the ACC schools do not see any of that money!!

This can all be forgiven if ESPN launches an ACC Network. Ready for the announcement!
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REPOST from another Board!!

The ACC was foolish to bundle Tiers 1, 2 and 3 together. Imagine what could've been or can be in a decade:

Tier 1 with NBC - one game per week, valued at $7 million each X 13 = $91 million/year

Tier 2 with ABC/ESPN - limit them to a max of 4 games per week; est. $4M X 4 X 13 = $208 M/yr.

Tier 3 on a true ACC Network (partner with ESPN or re-brand the NBCSPN). With proper scheduling of cupcake games (ie. spread throughout the season), the ACC could have as many as 3 or 4 live games EVERY week. Est. 28 million subs X 12 months X $0.80 each (avg) = $268.8 million/year.

GRAND TOTAL: $567.8 million/year ==> $37.85 million/year per school (TV only).

Oh and lots talk Basketball... Why isn't the ACC there right now? Awful contract in 2010...
Since Georgia Tech is not really participating to actually "win" any conference titles (other than Golf) - making as much conference $$$ and then taking their cut is Tech's only way of financially surviving.
Since Georgia Tech is not really participating to actually "win" any conference titles (other than Golf) - making as much conference $$$ and then taking their cut is Tech's only way of financially surviving.

I'm speechless. I want to say something really snarky but I can't stop laughing.
I'm speechless. I want to say something really snarky but I can't stop laughing.
There is some truth in it. We simply can't pay athletes as much as Northwestern. That's why we should all be in for returning to the true student athlete. We can't get into an arms war with the idiots at Alabama who will let anyone in and find them a major in lawn maintenance. The idiots who think that both loosening admission standards and making joke majors to keep them eligible should stop taking drugs. Let the pros make their own minor league for the morons. Hint, college football will still be as popular.