BIll Curry..........


Jul 25, 2002
These are my thoughts take them for what they are worth, which probably won't buy you a cup of coffee.

I've tried to stay out of this subject and others about Bill but I offer a couple of opinions and thoughts.

Obviously there are still people on here who are pissed Bill went to Alabama, hell i was as well until i heard the whole story which appears that everyone may not have heard and if they did hear they just don't believe.

Bill went to Alabama on the advice of his mentor (end of story)
Coach Dodd said that if you want to win a NC you can do it there more likely than here (end of story) Bill did not say it.

People on here can be Pro Tech Man or Anti Tech Man that needs the job.

I do know one thing. Bill will stand up to the Hill and bridge the gap that has been broken since the mid 90's ( I know that as a fact)

Who on here remembers when we ate lunch and dinner (at least while I was here) there was always a professor eating with us. This always kept the lines of communications open. Well that stopped because someone deemed it to costly. Look where that got us.

If you treat the hill will respect they will treat you with respect at least that's my opinion. They do not hate us but they will not be bullied or looked down upon. I feel strongly that wouldn't happen with Bill.

Who remembers a few years ago we had a great guy running the academics in the AA? He did a helluva job but when changes were made he was fired for no reason at all. This guy worked his butt off with all professors to ensure who was and who wasn't in class and made sure it didn't happen again. HIRE THAT MAN RIGHT NOW!

As for the administrative part and it's very important I suggest bringing in Todd Stansbury. The guy knows what he is doing and has paid his dues to come back here and lead us.

GET THIS: we cannot and will not be successful with one person running this show. IT TAKES A TEAM WHO IS COMMITED TO WORKING TOGETHER EGOS ASIDE.

Clean out our marketing department, clean out a couple of people in the A-T Dept. and hire people who have agendas for GT and not for themselves.

Lastly, Bill was my coach and i admire him very much, but GT is my school and if I and admittedly a lot of others didn't think he could get the job done we would be the firsts to bring others to the forefront.

I believe Bill can unite the fan base, raised money, hire people that he feels will work for GT and not themselves, but most importantly build the bridge back with "The Hill".

Sorry for the rambling on.
Nomination not accepted. I like all want what's best. Thanks for the nice offer though.

I enjoy my whiskey clear too much.
RM, I appreciate your thoughts. Can you put a name to this academic person who should be rehired now?

I don't object to Curry becoming AD because he left for bama. That allowed us to get Ross and win a MNC.

I think, after DB, bringing in about anyone will unite the existing fanbase. We need someone, with experience, who will do the things necessary to INCREASE the fanbase. And Curry will not be able, IMO, to connect to those football fans on the street who don't buy from us now. This is Southern football, where we should be in the SEC, and people don't want to hear, after a loss, that the SS had to play corner because someone had a hangnail.

It appears it will be Curry, but I think for the wrong reasons. I hope I am proved wrong.
Outstanding Post Award...for both of your posts above.

The only thing I want to hear Bill answer is the same question Roof asked him before he would sign on...Coach, if I come to Tech, will we beat uga? Bill answered correctly then and backed it up. It's imperative he do so again...THAT will unite a fractured Jacket Nation. THWG
tex, BC was Homer Rice's partner in restoring The Tech football program,Curry believed in His theory and it saved our program if not for that we may not be talking about Tech Football today.IMO we do owe that to Curry and also IMO he could be just what we need now and it's far more than him being a Tech man.
GREAT POST JD!! I totally agree with you!
Thanks JD,
I was hoping you would get fed up and bust out with an article like this. I'm sold on the idea and I'm hoping others will be too. One big thing I'd like is for the fanbase at GT to get with the program again and be supporters instead of splitters. Good job JD, keep us up on what you can.
OUTSTANDING post, John!!

Most of the points you make mirror what I've been telling folks off the boards for awhile, now.

Right NOW, it's not simply a matter of bringing someone in with all the tangible skillsets for the job (like a Todd S).....but also bringing a WIDELY-VISIBLE respect and credibilty along with the skills.

The current administration in The Edge has done some wonderful things and made some very important strides in the program. Unfortunately, the negatives that have been too numerous as of late are overshadowing much of that good and the time for a change is definitely at hand. The change that needs to occur, however, goes beyond simply attaining a new perspective and fresh insight on how things are also needs to put a very high-profile and respected visage on that shift.

That's why Bill Curry is an important component of what needs to happen right now. the top of your 5 AD's besides the ones you pretty much know by default (DB, D Evans, K White, etc....) Some folks may have been able to name ones like Debbie Yow and Steve Orsini, because they've been instrumental in stuff like hiring Fridge and O'L (and because Steve was here prior). Aside from another couple like Paul Dee, there really aren't that many on the mind of most folks....especially those who are 'casual' in their 'fandom' compared to guys/gals like us who live on sports-related boards.

Now...turn to ESPN2. BC's there right now doing color for yet another football game.

Unless you still get all your electronic visual media via the VHF and/or UHF bands, you know the name and face belonging to Bill. You also have read his commentaries on If you're involved at ALL in the inner workings of intercollegate athletics, you know his reputation and profile as not only a coach but a presence on committees and boards working for the betterment of college sports.

The wide repesct for someone like Bill Curry goes far beyond the guys he played for and with (although there will certainly be that aura that will continue to make its impression on PSA's families...and even a few historically-aware PSA's :>)

Ironically, the larger-than-life persona that accompanies someone like Bill might be the biggest obstacle to his approval by the powers that be. The current sensitivity over the acadmics-athletics tug-of-war that has been and will always be part of the unique creature that is revenue athletics at Tech is surely going to make the decision-makers wary over bringing in someone with the *umph* to deal with The Hill....even someone who already knows how it works first-hand. Hopefully, that fear can be assuaged and this plan can come to fruition.

To those who can't get over the perceived slight over the Bama job....whatever. A decision made almost 20 years on the advice of one's mentor/idol to go to one of the 'elite' jobs in college coaching is hardly worth throwing out the baby in the bathwater. Folks who can't get past that are as useless, imo, as the boneheads who think a school's president should be fired over issues of athletics (those folks would feel more at home a bit NE of here, btw).

I don't know of anyone who sees the potential hiring of Bill Curry as an Athletic Director at Georgia Tech as a long-term thing. I truly believe the scenario of having him surrounded by true athletic administrators (including a potential successor) is the way to go......and how it will hopefully come to pass.

I support this scenario 110%.
Re: OUTSTANDING post, John!!

I totally agree. I cast my vote for Bill Curry. He helped save us once and he can do it again.
While at TECH I had the opportunity to listen to Coach Curry talk at one of the classes. He was very informative and forthright in his view of Football, the NFL and the development of the players association, the Colts, Johnny Unitas, Bobby Dodd, Tech and recruiting and life in general.

That man has character. I believe that he would be an excellent choice for AD and DEFINITELY would unite and EXPAND the fan base. He would be able to TAKE ATLANTA for TECH and the surrounding communites that the Circle Geeerrk Ranch down the road thanks they have a lock on.
Perhaps you are correct, I hope so, but why would Curry be able to "take Atlanta for Tech" when he did not before?

I mean I supported the guy come hell or highwater, victory over ugag or defeat (and tie) against Furman, and I had dinner at his house.

But I am just reflecting what nonGT and nonugag grads, but HUGE football fans involved with TD club, etc., told me about being turned off by his somewhat pious attitude. Listening to him on ESPN makes me think nothing has changed.
Great speaker, great personality, has an understanding of what TECH is all about, years of experience in football, love for TECH, will not have to be recruiting (directly) but would recruit indirectly, would develop a positive relationship with the media, has the respect of others in the football fraternity ouside of Atlanta, is known as a man of his word, cares for the student athletes, continuously brings up the name of DODD, is a roll model, family man, says exactly what he means, has been through the fire in Atlanta and in Alabama so he wouldn't be phased by criticism or the media heads, understands what it means to beat the Circle G raunch down the road...etc...
Absolutely agree about Bill Curry. TECH Man 100% Credentials? Please...

Obvious choice. Clough might be too pussy to hire him but Curry's the man for the job.

Braine needs "early retirement" or "tar and featherin" and the sooner the better.

'Thanks, dickhead, for everything we would have been smart enough to do ourselves without you.'
I think we're missing one point here as well. Due to his work with ESPN, kids know who Curry is now. I'm not sure that was true the first time around. I do believe he can bring us national recognition (for the right things) as well as lend some celebrity in athletic circles.
thats the key point.... he\'s a celebrity to the

football watching public including potential recruits.
Re: thats the key point.... he\'s a celebrity to the

Since this recent talk about returning to the sec is moot and hypothetical, this question is irrelevant but,..

How would the old sec ballplayer, Mr. Curry be viewed by the current holders of power within our old conference. Would it help or hurt if Tech made a run at rejoining the conference?
OK, due to ESPN, kids know him now. And we are automatically assuming they like him? They all see him the same way Tech fans see him?
Knowing him is better than not. I thought your thing was getting attention for Tech. Having someone who is known will do that much more than someone who's a good administrator.