Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Grant Field in 2011

Re: Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Grant Field in

Originality: C
Humor: D-
Annoyance: A-
Overall: STFU++
Re: Bobby Dodd Stadium at Historic Grant Field in

I laugh at your pessimism.
I laugh at your bitterness.
I laugh at your envy.
I imagine that you get that a lot.
I suggest you find another program to support if that is the way you feel.

I can't believe all of the crap on this board. Grow a set folks. Stop your whining and these cutsy little attempts at slighting our program. It ain't funny and if it were tried in in front of me you'd be picking your teeth out of your stool for a week.

Tech will be fine. If you can't support Tech, jump off the bandwagon. Leave. Go away. Scram.

I love Tech. Don't give me any of that "I love Tech but..." crap.
JJ ..Clough has slighted our program more than anyone on an internet board could ever do
Now with that said you may put my teeth in my stool if you want to try .. just tell me when and where
Explain how Clough has slighted our program please?

You many not agree with his approach to athletics, but I don't think he has imposed anything different on football than he has every other sport at Tech. If I'm wrong someone please let me know. All other sports seem to be thriving, it's only football that we're all concerned about. My opinion is that football players are simply a different breed overall than other sports. The issue is whether Tech should have a set of rules for them that is different from other SAs. What do you think?
Nope. Same rules for S/A no matter the sport. I had one in college in another sport. It's all in how the S/A manages their time.
Personally I thought the original post was funny and considering Braine's comments about focusing on "Olympic Sports" was very appropriate. It does hurt along the way of course and I'm not giving up the fight but it was funny.

Regarding our leadership and the future, Clough/Braine have been very active in making rules and decisions in the ACC and NCAA. They are constantly doing whatever they can to hurt football at Tech.

Specifically the rule on progress toward degree was written without any consideration to just how much that is going to hurt Tech. How can an organization's leader push for a decision without making any effort to protect his own interests. The AVERAGE time to graduate at Tech is something like 5 years. We are now encumbered with a rule that makes our student athletes perform in the classroom 20% quicker than our competitors (the average time to graduate at UGA is, I'm guessing, closer to 4 years). Wasn't being an athlete at Tech tough enough.

There are many signs that football is in fact headed the way of Duke and Temple. Chan is the single best coach I've seen to work around the difficulty, but after him what are we going to have? The original post stands...there is just too much evidence piling up against us being successful in football long term.