Bowden was horrible today.


Flats Noob
Oct 19, 2002
Did anyone else get the feeling that Terry Bowden was tailgating before the game?
He was making a ton of mistakes today and really made it painful to watch at times.
do we have a J.T. Daniels, T.J. Daniels, and a J.P. Daniels out there with P.J.?

How did we not get flagged with that many people on the field at one time?
Tater-tot is AWFUL and should stick to scripted soundbites in the Times Square studio and leave play-by-play to the pros.
Even better was when Reggie "Bush" kept missing his receivers...
I've got to agree with you on this one. He was consistently bad the whole game. I always thought he did a good job when he was in the studio. But he has no business being a color analyst. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bash.gif
He is alao fatter than ever!

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought "BLOATED."
For once I wished TB was right...I'd love to have Reggie Bush on our side.