Bradley likes our new AD, but apparently not our coach

If that column were evaluated in a journalism class Bradley would get an F. The was nothing more than spewing personal dislike for Paul Johnson.
If that column were evaluated in a journalism class Bradley would get an F. The was nothing more than spewing personal dislike for Paul Johnson.

Yeah, I agree. Bradley has a real cunty tone about him, it seems pretty personal. He basically discounts 2014 and says 2008 and 2009 were basically due to Gailey recruits. Yeah, I remember CCG in the Wake game with Choice and CJ, I'm sure he would have coached up the 2007 class.

Sure, last year sucked but there were an unprecedented amount of injuries along with crappy line play.
A pointless article.VERY VERY doubtful if PJ is going anywhere for 2 yrs AT LEAST unless they are replays of '15.
Even Charles Barkley said the article is turrible. Bark Madley ignores '14 as another posted said and rubs CPJ's nose in '15. Piss poor.
Bradley is right - Johnson should be fired. Then the new coach will have to rebuild from scratch - 5 years - but eventually that team won't be any good either due to the academic restrictions. There is no answer. Just suffering.
Bradley is right - Johnson should be fired. Then the new coach will have to rebuild from scratch - 5 years - but eventually that team won't be any good either due to the academic restrictions. There is no answer. Just suffering.

So why continue with the sport? Just go Georgetown and pour the $ into BB.