Braine is simply saying


Jul 12, 2002
what clough wants him to say. He will bow down and do whatever he is told so as to keep his paycheck, without any regard to supporters, and more importantly with no regard to the toll it takes on our S/As.

Clough wants GT football to go to the level of VU or Duke. He does not have what it takes to run a total University, and he has no regards for what Tech people have built up and been proud of over the decades.

Braine is his waterboy. Look at 1st time probation, flunkgate and what has culminated with his newest statements. Can you imagine how the hard working young men on our football team must feel?

Clough/Braine are just spitting in the face of all those who bow down at cloughs feet. That is one thing, but to do it to our own kids is a disgusting damn disgrace. And perhaps worse, many will just sit here and take it and claim to support what they say is best for our program.

A sad and damnable disgrace, but in these times it would appear to no longer matter.