Braine says "I'm not responsible"

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
Braine says \"I\'m not responsible\"

In this article from the Macon Telegraph Mr Braine spouts that "there's not a school in this country where the Athletic Director is responsible for academic certification". If this is true, then why is everyone blaming Braine & not the Registrar's Dept????
If 'academic certification' is the reason GT got NCAA probation then AD Dave Braine is in the clear. If we blame Braine with 'he should have known' then we also have to blame Gailey on 'flunkgate' when he had, at least, 10 players on probation with the administration & still acted surprised when they were dropped from Tech, 'he should have known'.
Everybody needs to get their figure pointing correct, which is very hard to do in this case, or else just let it go on down the road. Selah.

"not responsible"
Re: Braine says \"I\'m not responsible\"

I have always said that Clough must go. It certainly is not a Gailey issue. Now I do think that too many ugly issues have occurred under Braine's watch but this is Clough.

Clough is a part of the NCAA pushing "progress toward the degree" and we don't know the rules? HUH?
Re: Braine says \"I\'m not responsible\"

I will say that Braine is duplicit also. He is the one that came out with "we can't win 9" (I know he didn't say it that way but that's how it will always read). He also is the one that keeps saying "let's enjoy the Olympic sports". I think he's in bed with Clough completely! And I think that Clough has purposely tried to destroy Tech football. They have done absolutely nothing to help Tech football in their tenure.
Re: Braine says \"I\'m not responsible\"

I agree whole heartedly with DB. He told the ablosute truth. He is NOT responsible! and he never will be responsible. Harry Truman said "the buck stops here", but some people just aren't responsible for anything, no matter what their job or position. He just admitted his fault by saying that. But then if he isn't responsible, why not. Isn't he the head of the athletic department? Then why isn't he responsible? If not the head of the department, then who should be responsible?
Re: Braine says \"I\'m not responsible\"

David Braine and Inspector Clouseau are one in the same - and he thinks we are all "Minkeys", as he is running the program with a complete lack of knowledge about our history and our tradition. It's time we stand up and show him what integrity is all about. And while I am currently watching the Miami Game, look at those tough, hard working, Georgia Tech Athletes doing everything they can do "to play past the scars" David Braine has placed on our program. We all can demonstrate the same strength that those kids are showing - let's team up and drop kick Dave out the door!!!

Those kids deserve better, and so do we, and so does the next batch of Athletes that want a good education - and their parents need to see us in action correcting a mistake in our leadership. Fire Dave, Fire Dave, Fire Dave, Fire Dave. And Dave, if you or one of your brown nosing BBoys are monitoring what people think of you on Stingtalk, write me "another threatening letter" and I will have it put it in the Atlanta Journal so people can really see your Richard Nixon personality.
If not, why not?

Because there can be no "institutional control" (versus athletic department control) if anyone--including the AD--from the athletic department is the certifying officer. Every school in the country has someone in academic administration (usually the registrar) certifying athletic eligibility. It is NOT done by any athletic department employee anywhere--period.

Can you imagine what would happen at a rogue school if the AD could certify an athlete's academic eligibility? If you think boosters can cause problems...

Certification of athletic eligibility is the ONE thing Dave Braine is not responsible for in this whole mess. It is forbidden for him to have anything to do with it. We would be in far more trouble with the NCAA had Braine's signature been on any of those forms than we are now. All 17 of those forms were signed by Roper or his protege, Jo McIver.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT, in any way, shape or form denying Braine's responsibility for other matters which have recently occurred.
Re: Did he really write you a threatening letter?


A good AD would make certain that all matters were in order, really in order to avaoid conflict with the NCAA, as any good manager, leader, program director would and should. Dave has misfired on too many issues - he's incompetent. And so are the Bozo's that work around him that were allowed to do their jobs without proper direction. I'm not trying to down play being a team player that accepts the consequences of performance - I've never complained about Gailey, and I've always considered what's good for the kids on the field. David Braine does not belong on our team - he's not qualified to do the job with Georgia Tech intensity, and we've all seen the results.
Re: Did he really write you a threatening letter?

Does anyone really think these problems magically started when Braine arrived? It's pretty clear the Registrar's office didn't know what it was doing. There have been rumors that problems date back to '93, but that the statute of limitations protects them prior to '98. Braine is guilty of a lot of things and I wouldn't be sad to see him go. But he's not primarily responsible for this one. He bears part of the blame certainly because the academic advisors who were part of the AA (I believe) were also incompetent. But the Registrar is the real culprit.

Now you can say the Clough is responsible for everything. But I would contend that a professional manager is hired because of his/her ability and knowledge in their area of expertise. When they fail, they take the blame. Their superior shares it, but to suggest Clough should have known something was wrong is ridiculous. If he's guilty of anything it's in trusting the Roper was competent.